Random Thoughts....

yee haw! summer has officially begun....

picture of bloke

So I was at the park today. A younger mom dropped her kid off, maybe five years old. Parked the car, and for forty-five minutes watched the kid play in the grass by herself from her air conditioned car in the parking lot. Didn't get out and play with the child and called her child on a cell phone to get her to come back to the car!

How come all Grand Prix drivers are complete douche bags? She had a lei on the rear view mirror another douchey thing.

Do you often go to the park to watch kids then?

Umm, what is it with everyone changing their sexual preferences when seasons change? :?
Today I convinced my boss (the cushy white-collar one, not my depressing pizza one) to buy a motorcycle.


So I was talking to my friend about it on AIM - and I know I shouldn't quote myself because it's lame, but still...

[22:24] hil: you should have told him to get a tiguan
[22:24] captainawesome30: no, becuase i don't want to get fired
Don we now our gay apparel.

I always thought that was the best line ever.

Speaking of all this gay shit, my somewhat metro, possibly homo best friend from when i was about 10 years old finally picked up his phone (apparently he didn't know i was calling him, so he hasn't answered for the last 2 years.) I suppose its weird to have a kinda gay best friend, but hes the funniest kid i know, so wtf. And anyways, hes still masculine wear it counts, usually me and him talk about why the XJ220 is the best car ever concieved and then play incredibly violent video games, so its not like i'm spending time with a girly man, he just has a strange voice and a original sense of humor.
the day before we are about to drive to canberra.

DING, flat tyre


My mums girly hand with girly mirror...
me on a south african forum said:
eish, almost didn't make it back

I'm sure some of you okes in Durban heard the BA(British airway) flight that spun off the runway and veered off into the field on Wednesday. Yup, that was my flight. Plane landed on a soaking wet runway with very little visibility because of the bad weather. The pilot landed the plane fine, but couldn't stop the plane in time, lost the back end and the plane spun out and headed straight for the field, it crashed into the field on it's left engine, it was some serious brown pants moment there.

Anyway, I'm so glad that I'm back here in SA now. I'm fed up the with all the LHD cars and it's really nice to be back.

yup, so there you have it. The plane crashed into the field, it was pretty hectic, never felt such a big slide in my life before, it was kind of exciting to be brutally honest....

But anyway, I dont really have unlimited internet access, so I won't be posting much for about a month or so.

During that slide, something deep down in your head said "POWERRRR!", didn't it?
That must have made the flight more interesting....
Wait, wait, wait... you post on another forum? :eek:
There is no spoon.
So I just discovered Firefox's web content drag and drop ability - is that a FF3 thing?

(In case you don't know, you can just drag and drop an image into a folder to save it locally. You can do it with text too - into say Word or Notepad)
I only just discovered the plugin which allows you to change the size of input fields like this quickreply textbox. Very handy.