No 56k: Post Your Desktop!

Any uptime less than 100 days is not worth showing and an embarassment to the linux community :p

We once moved a server hooked to a USV just to not lose out 1.5yr+ uptime (and yes, we are h4xx0rs enough to know we could simply fake any value we want, but that would be cheating).

What are you talking about? It's obviously 0 centuries, 30 years. :mrgreen:

Yes, the Folder on the bottom left is really called "new folder". As it's temp storage, i never bothered to rename it.
How my desktop looks right now on my MacBook :)


You should get rid of all the stock apple apps using up your dock space.
I never got the whole "woo I didn't reboot my computer for [insert insanely long time here].
When I'm done using it, I turn it off. As in off off, not just screen off.

Why would you keep it running for ages?
I never got the whole "woo I didn't reboot my computer for [insert insanely long time here].
When I'm done using it, I turn it off. As in off off, not just screen off.

Why would you keep it running for ages?

I think it comes from the products of a certain Redmond, WA-based software company that make it impossible to use your computer longer than a few hours without a crash or a update forcing you to reboot - thus some months or years of uptime are a easy way to prove your computer's os is better than (and thus your e-penis larger than) the average windows user's.
Most I've had it running was 22 days on XP SP2, but then had to reboot, cause of the network stack issue. Once I upgrade to 7 completely, those issues will be gone and we'll see how long it can last.
I recently moved from a 10.2" Netbook to a 22" TFT and.. oh boy, that's a bit of a shock. I'm actually a little bit afraid of being sucked into this thing. :shock2:

Your taste in music is better than in operating systems ;) have you been to Peaches' concert on saturday?
:blush: Yeah.. I started with Jaunty Jackalope on this PC, really liked it so far but somehow I can't be arsed to put any more effort in it, I really don't know why.

Nope, haven't seen her yet. Did you? Her show must be quite a ride.
Nope, haven't seen her yet. Did you? Her show must be quite a ride.

Well... i liked her concert but i was not as blown away from her show as my girlfriend was.
Everything, from the stage acting to the stupid spandex costumes (looking like something stolen from Stryper's wardrobe) was directely from the Hard Rock poseurs handbook. Watching a woman act like a cross between Axl Rose, Steve Tyler and Mick Jagger is quite fun, but as an emancipatory act/shock factor/gender bending statement it does not carry for two hours. As pure stage acting, even less.
Even the more extreme things like attacing a blinking LED light between her legs, simulating stimulating an erect penis with her hands around a laser beam or having her hot, blonde female guitarist and her finnish metal band member-looking male bass player strip were nothing i would put past any ultra-male cock rock group or have seen by such. Heck, Peaches even played a Flying V during the encores.

If i should describe it in one sentence: Turbonegro for girls/lesbians.
I case you've never seen a macho hard rock band, it might just be the most fun show you've ever seen, if you've seen your share of them, it's more of the same.

As you seem to be a Berlin resident, i'd like to point the Dukes out to you - their concerts are cheaper and if you can do without the gender bending aspect, the show's the same.
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Most I've had it running was 22 days on XP SP2, but then had to reboot, cause of the network stack issue. Once I upgrade to 7 completely, those issues will be gone and we'll see how long it can last.

I've had XP running for months on end back when I was in uni... DLing all day, gaming all night... no problems at all

I don't know what you guys do to Windows to make it crash all the time...