Awesome Thread

How can you post those and not the Dr Who one?
I don't know the source but dammn it's awesome:

Awesome hat.


Awesome t-shirt.


Awesome beer can.

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This may be too much awesome for just one thread.

Obviously a joke. I left this comment: Uh, yeah. You owe me a com-pew-tor, since my first one exploded, and subsequently the monitor, spraying my face with shards of plastic, glass and three wolf moon? awesomeness.
Thankfully the awesomeness of the three wolf moon shirt? healed my face, making it approximately 14.65289% more awesome. My wife thanks you. Yes, the three wolf moon shirt? is SO awesome, when it bestows awesome onto others, it carries five places past a decimal point in calculating awesomeness.
Seen this weekend:

First I meant to put these pics into the "carbage" thread, but on second thoughts, I think it's awesome:

Greetings, lip
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With multiple "meat is murder" bumper stickers on the back. Because after all, it's still a Volvo wagon.
I thought the Labrador was supposed to go inside the Volvo?
That car must smell like wet dog after a few rainstorms.
I kept looking at that and thinking "Why does Luigi have a massive arm?"

Super Mario Galaxy cake for his daughters 4th birthday.


And seriously.......the daughters face shape reminded me of something.........


Yes I am cruel.
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