Random Thoughts....

Wouldn't that just make twice as much anxiety?
Yeah but they'd be off playing bowling and we could each just chill while they were away... Whatever, I tried. (It was from The Breakfast Club when they're both talking about their abusive fathers)

My point is that I also have the bad anxiety. Many people in my family that will remain nameless are all tightly wound and medicated. Also, there's anxiety attacks. I had my first one a few years ago and I hope to never have one again!
<-- hides in shame

That's one of many classic movies I should have seen, but haven't.

Anyway, Ferguson's on so that should help, right?
WTF...I have watched 5 minutes of hard-candy and am seriously being creeped the fuck out by it...

I want a girl here to tell me "its ok, this isn't going to turn into child porn" or "remember, shes actually over 18 when she filmed this"

it's a pretty fucked up movie :O

Windows 7 picked up my w800i when I plugged it in :O no more bs with sony drivers (I can't find the charger and I don't like taking my "good" phone when I'm going to go and get shitfaced))
<-- hides in shame

That's one of many classic movies I should have seen, but haven't.

Anyway, Ferguson's on so that should help, right?
I don't know how to stop it once it starts to build up. Usually I just ride it out and then try to just listen to music or some shit to get my mind off it and all the while I be like "Gee, I hope I don't fall back in there again. Pleasant thoughts et cetera! I'm not thinking about it at all. Nope! Not at all."
I don't know how to stop it once it starts to build up. Usually I just ride it out and then try to just listen to music or some shit to get my mind off it and all the while I be like "Gee, I hope I don't fall back in there again. Pleasant thoughts et cetera! I'm not thinking about it at all. Nope! Not at all."

I suppose I'm not all that different. I do whatever it takes to get as far away from whatever's causing it as possible, either physically or mentally. Getting completely engrossed in something is generally the only way I can get that part of my brain to shut down. A really good TV show will do it, so will books, food, and running but I wore out all my leg joints so that had to stop. Sometimes you just have to get in the car and turn that radio up loud and freaking SING. I've found it's impossible to both think and sing loudly at the same time. See, useful facts on FinalGear!
NOTE TO SELF: The next time I zonk out watching television, make sure I don't leave it on the Disney Channel. Now for some reason I really, really want a platypus for a pet. Curse you, Perry the Platypus!!
NOTE TO SELF: The next time I zonk out watching television, make sure I don't leave it on the Disney Channel. Now for some reason I really, really want a platypus for a pet. Curse you, Perry the Platypus!!

It had feet like a duck, but it's furry!
I find that if my anxiety starts to build up, when loads of work are piled onto me that is due at around the same time for example, the best way to clear those thoughts is to walk into my backyard and just scream and shout, It doesn't even have to be words just screaming ARGH helps a lot.
hmmm I crawl into bed and try and forget about the rest of the world, hoping it'll extend the same curtesy back to me.
I love the movie hard candy, even though it was kinda creepy and all. I'm just an ellen page fangirl I guess.

I have really bad anxiety too, but mine centers around a guilt complex. Whenever I do/don't do something that i should/shouldn't, I feel insanely guilty and get upset and somtimes I get to the point where I can't think about anything else, have panic attacks, etc. I either have to rectify the situation or deal with it. It gets very annoying, because i can have "guilt attacks" and get incredibly upset over simple things like my parents paying for stuff for me. At the moment, I'm getting guilty over what I think is my lack of study. I keep feeling like it's the only thing I should be doing apart from eating and sleeping. It is really annoying because it's actually detrimental to my study.
R. Lee Ermey always has the best shows. No matter what they are called this time around, they always involve shooting stuff and explosions.
R. Lee Ermey always has the best shows. No matter what they are called this time around, they always involve shooting stuff and explosions.
But far less obscenity than I'd like from him.
I bought these today:


Very comfy. Dreadful shoes to play badminton in though, I was slipping and sliding everywhere.
I think your anxiety and my anxiety should get together and go bowling.

I was going to say 'and mine can join in and make it a threesome!' but then I realised that's not what I meant.

And on the subject of famous lookalikes, my dad is the asian version of Kevin Rudd (although ironically he doesn't speak mandarin).
^People slam Southwest, but I always have very good service on their flights.

I normally do too. I kind of like their cattle call as it it just means I have to check in as soon as the 24 window opens and I can get a decent seat.

Only problem I've been having is EVERY flight to or from albuquerque/LAX has been delayed each way. Usually only 30min to 45 but still irritating.
I finally fixed my small carpet into place.

I use it to protect my carpeted floor from the casters of my desk chair.

It always used to displace itself due me rolling around in my chair.

An electrical stapler did the trick.

What, no zip-ties?