Eco-mentalists spread horse-manure on Clarkson's garden

Jeremy is spot on with his view on climate change. If you look at the past the earth was much warmer, say in the jurassic. Most all Geologists would tell you that we are still in an ice age with another cold period coming (not in our lifetime). Basically these environmentalist are just buying into what seems to be the popular thing for hippies to do. They should try looking at some real respectable scientific research.

-Geologist in training

Sidenote: Did you know in the 1970's global cooling was the big issue?
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2) I've been participating in online discussions since the pre-Web days of the Internet, i.e. before you were born. I haven't missed a year since. I'm pretty sure I don't need advice -- especially yours -- on how to present my views on the Internet. :)

Ok, tough guy. There's a
button for a reason.
how about these morons spend this time looking for abducted children or helping the needy,something that will actually make a difference in the world.the earth liberation front caused huge amounts of damage in their campaign to save the earth by burning h2s at some dealerships and slashing tires on others,what did they think that the owners were going to give up and go buy a bike?no they just called their insurance company and got things fixed,wasting more resources than if they had just driven them.the economy is what drives people to park or trade in these gas guzzling vehicles not some twats in vintage clothing,im going out in the forest and changing my oil after i drive around for no reason while i plan the v8 swap for my v6 powered explorer f them.
We're messing it up for ourselves. The Earth itself will go it always has. Species evolve, go extinct, new ones come...then go away...and so on and so on..

But we still need to recognize our impact on the earth's biosphere.
Most scientists believe humans are at least partly to blame for the most recent mass extinction event.

What I'm saying is we're now so many people and our collective impact is quite huge on both a local and a global scale. To combat this we need to become more aware of the consequences of our actions (and inactions). We also need to research more into the possible consequences that exists. Human made climate change is certainly one of those.
I maintain that the ony way we can stop peoples destruction of earth is for there to be less people. That is the ONLY effective way. Everytime somebody comes up with some brilliant idea, if you think about it, it is not that brilliant and it is not going to work.

We have to recycle, we have to recycle I hear them cry, but the only thing recycled that does not make MORE pollution is Aluminum. When my son was in school, he brought home tons of papers on we must recycle to save the earth. I never could figure out why no one else seemed to see the irony in that.

Put bluntly, we are not killing enough people. In world war 2, more people died in a day than have died in the whole war so far. People are living longer, storms are not killing enough because of ways we have come up with preventing it. That Tsumani after Christmas a few years ago is the only thing I can think that has done a good job of attempting to cleanse the earth.

Anyone see the Star Trek show (original) when they land on a planet and they have about used up the resources of the planet, but civilization has advanced so far, they have no war, disease has been cured, etc, so their computers play war and determine how many people would have been killed, then a lotto was done and the people got notice that they basically had to report to the gas chamber. I have thought about that for a great many years.

I completely agree people are impacting the planet, and civilization is the reason. We even get rid of the dictators who get rid of a large population. It is harsh, and I do not really want to think about it, but it is like Shindlers list. From the 1200 or so Jews he saved, there are now 11,000+ descendants. Was it a good thing he did? From the heart point of view, yes, from the impact on the earth, no.

one day I foresee something happening like it did on that Star Trek show, or life on earth will end, probably before anyone is ready.

Just by existing, we are destroying it.

Things like Live Earth just blow me away. They are adding to the problem to make people aware there is a problem? How is that going to help.

Tree Hugger Al Gore has gotten filthy rich on his little enviromental crusade. His light bill for one month is more than mine is for 2 years. So who is greener, him or me?

We can keep dreaming there is a way out of this with alternative ways, but decreasing the population is the only sure fired way to really solve the problem, and we know that is never going to be given any serious thought. Everything else is just pissing into the wind.

Those Prius's everyone is so proud to drive. Do you know the only dead place on earth, where not one living thing is found is at the mines they mine the nickle for those batteries come from. Bet the people driving them do not know that. Because they only see what they want to see.

Part of my firm belief there is no "god" watching over us is due to the fact I think if there was, he would have halved the population by now. I think if god was watching over his creation, he would not be happy because the people have mutiplied out of control.
We can keep dreaming there is a way out of this with alternative ways, but decreasing the population is the only sure fired way to really solve the problem, and we know that is never going to be given any serious thought.
For me, birth control, is the best decision we should have made, and maybe still is
(That's why I've decided not to have children)
Exactly. I prefer the solution of "have less children" to "kill more people" personally...
Yeah less born children is way better than starting wars, famine etc to reduce the number of people.

I prefer learning how to lessen my environmental footprint myself...

Of course if the world becomes overpopulated by humans it will take a huge toll on the flora but especially fauna.
But like I mentioned earlier about the holocene extinction event, especially the part which started 50 000 years ago back in the last ice age really... a in this discussion low number of humans helped to get the mega fauna extinct or dwarfed on all continents bar Africa.
What I'm saying is we're now so many people and our collective impact is quite huge on both a local and a global scale. To combat this we need to become more aware of the consequences of our actions (and inactions). We also need to research more into the possible consequences that exists. Human made climate change is certainly one of those.

I agree with a point. Like I said, I'm not saying we should keep on going the way we have..


Having people focus on things like.."I have a Prius!" instead of.."I keep my older car more efficient and don't add another useless car to the roads" is not working.

They may mean well, but it's not the solution.
Exactly. I prefer the solution of "have less children" to "kill more people" personally...

But what would happen if all the smart people realised this and chose not to have any children? Humanity would kill off it's intellectual elite in a matter of a few generations!
But what would happen if all the smart people realised this and chose not to have any children? Humanity would kill off it's intellectual elite in a matter of a few generations!

Well that'd just prove that they weren't the elite after all.
Ok, tough guy. There's a
button for a reason.

Feel free to acquaint yourself with the down-arrow key on your keyboard if you aren't liking what you're seeing at any given moment.
Well that'd just prove that they weren't the elite after all.

no....that would be proof that Bubba and Brandine still havent gotten enough sence to purchase some birthcontrol with their welfare-checks.... ;)

God the world would be compleetly hopeless with only stupid people on it left ......would hate to see wait.......if I was around to see that, that would mean.......euhrmm..... :|

I'l be euhrmm....... in some other thread .......
Well that'd just prove that they weren't the elite after all.

Actually, there were heated discussions on the birth control pill when it came out in the 50's. A minority of the people were against it because they said the better off people would use it and the burdens on society would not and the burdens would eventually outnumber the productive people to where it would take more and more of the productive peoples income to take care of the burdens on society because there would be less and less of them.

I work at a community based clinic. I would say 90% of the people I see have never held a job in their lives. We pass out condoms like halloween candy. There is a huge bowl of them on the front counter. I work in a small town ER. I would say 80% have never held a job. Average number of children for the women, 4. Had a 16 yr old die in the ER the other night. He had 3 baby's mamas.

So put plainly, unless birth control was enforced like it mainly is in China, that will not work. Another one of those ideas that sounds like it should be good, but doesn't work.

When deer over populate an area, strange diseases pop out and cull the herd. Enough seem to survive to carry on. Same thing happens with the human population, but we are now curing those diseases that kill people (H1N1 anyone) If the diseases that are killing the deer started to get cured, what happens to the herd?

I am not saying I am for the killing and I really do not want it to be me or my family or anyone I know, but sometimes what we want is not what is actually for the best. Anyone that is really concerned with the enviroment will stop all this stupid stuff and concentrate on population control.

We have people in my area that are against hunting deer. It is not my favorite thing either, but speaking as a person that has hit 16 of them with my car, this is with hunting and a disease culling a few years ago, if that had not been going on, I could give up the car now because I would not be able to drive for all the deer, because while I hit 16, I have dodged hundreds.
When deer over populate an area, strange diseases pop out and cull the herd. Enough seem to survive to carry on. Same thing happens with the human population, but we are now curing those diseases that kill people (H1N1 anyone) If the diseases that are killing the deer started to get cured, what happens to the herd?

Many people believe this culling disease may be cancer.
Reads instruction - unwrap and place on organ.

After the 13th. child, social worker goes around house and finds piano covered in Condoms - "what's this?" he asks pointing at the piano, "Oh we could not afford an organ so I thought a piano would do. ..." was the reply.