Alphabetical Conversation

Vill dere be ze german kaartuuns?
eXisting forumers, aka enquiring minds, want to know!
^Yeah, uh no.
Zut alors!
Are we going in circles guys?
Because of environmentalists, the world is becoming retarded!
Circles we are indeed going in.
Dying of boredom at the office........
Eat, want dinner.
Go get your own, what did your last slave die of?
Hide, hungry Lurker shall eat you up!
In here! Quick! He'll never find us in here!
Just what I wanted a homer_bart and ashspet sandwich... RAAAWR -terrorizes-
Kill him! Kill him with fire!
Lurker needs more monies to dine, shall we have a donation draw?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm pasta. Lots for everyone! I can put some in the mail ....... :lol:
No Aussie pasta in my mail please, maybe you can spare some for darkfish0159, apparently he lost his shark abilities.
OH NOES Guppy lost something?