Alphabetical Conversation

She wants to play eh? This could get interesting. :wicked:
Undressing.... 50% complete
Vanquish this Lurking idiot. He's skipping again. Oh, and Lightning Count, don't get overly excited. You're in hospital.
Xisting away from here...but he'll be back...eventually...y'know...
Yes, although I'm not really that bothered about it.
Vanquish this Lurking idiot. He's skipping again. Oh, and Lightning Count, don't get overly excited. You're in hospital.

Zooology sounds interesting. Oh and there's something I need to address.

Also I'm not in Hospital any more, I was discharged on the 19th on December, thank god.
But there is still some healing to be done - sing along with me!
Come again?
Don't you know that song?
Everyone knows the song!
Fuck yeah! Let's sing the C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!

Great, now I've got another crap song in my head.
How about another spongebob song?
I think you might be wanting a lobotomy for that suggestion
Just about every other adult loves Spongebob, do you?
Kanye west is here to say, "Yo Homer_Bart, I'm real happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but Futurama is the best cartoon of all time. ALL TIME"

Let the Kayne thing die, please.
Maul that meme and bury it in a shallow grave! No construction workers, please. Or Parkinsons.
Not to mention that stuff Quiky also hates.