Random Thoughts (Political Edition)

Does it really say "Darwin loved Hitler"?

I already see the headlines: "Sensational news! Charles Darwin invented the Flux Capacator!"
In the past few years, there has really developed a fashion of blaming everything on the evil bankers and defend the innocent ordinary people. The matter of fact is however, that it is the people who elect their government and are ultimately responsible for the steps the government takes. And the matter of fact is that the Icelandic goverment has fucked up badly at oversight and regulation of the banking sector.

Sorry, have to disagree.

Saying that the banking crisis is the fault of regulation (or lack thereof) is like walking into your house, stealing everything and then saying it your fault for leaving the door open. The idea of law is to punish bad behaviour, not prevent it. "Stop me, before I kill again!"

As for your broader point, we elect a Government to do these things on our behalf. When they fail to do them on our behalf, we can't do anything about it until the next election.

And why were all the Governments (not just Iceland, but the US, UK, Ireland and others) so unwilling to regulate? Because of the vast amounts of money being thrown at them once they are in power. We elect them to represent us and what happens is that a shed load of money gets thrown at them.

You see it most blatantly in the US, where the healthcare debate that a majority of US citizens want (and it is a majority - about 60%) gets sidetracked by $1.2 billion of industry money. It is the same with the banks, lobbying to remove regulation that was there to protect us from them.

It isn't just a problem in the US - in the UK it is more subtle, with plenty of banks having board members who are ex-Ministers of both stripes, and the FSA run by ex-bank personnel. You can probably pick exmaples from just about any country.

Democracy has been totally hijacked and undermined at just about every level. Not just by corporations but by politicians and the media.

God I sound like a hippy.
Does it really say "Darwin loved Hitler"?
Clearly, Darwin must have been able to travel through time or different dimensions as he loved Hitler who was born seven years after Darwin died. It's very strange indeed.

Maybe Q revealed itself for Darwin and took him on a travel through the future... :think:
Sorry, have to disagree.

Saying that the banking crisis is the fault of regulation (or lack thereof) is like walking into your house, stealing everything and then saying it your fault for leaving the door open. The idea of law is to punish bad behaviour, not prevent it. "Stop me, before I kill again!"

As for your broader point, we elect a Government to do these things on our behalf. When they fail to do them on our behalf, we can't do anything about it until the next election.

And why were all the Governments (not just Iceland, but the US, UK, Ireland and others) so unwilling to regulate? Because of the vast amounts of money being thrown at them once they are in power. We elect them to represent us and what happens is that a shed load of money gets thrown at them.

You see it most blatantly in the US, where the healthcare debate that a majority of US citizens want (and it is a majority - about 60%) gets sidetracked by $1.2 billion of industry money. It is the same with the banks, lobbying to remove regulation that was there to protect us from them.

It isn't just a problem in the US - in the UK it is more subtle, with plenty of banks having board members who are ex-Ministers of both stripes, and the FSA run by ex-bank personnel. You can probably pick exmaples from just about any country.

Democracy has been totally hijacked and undermined at just about every level. Not just by corporations but by politicians and the media.

God I sound like a hippy.

Well look at it this way. In order to have a responsible government, you need reponsible voters. And what can make the voters more responsible, than the notion that if you do something stupid, it will bite you in the ass. Most people know shit about politics and economics, and even if they do actually go to vote, they fall for simple promises. The typical voter wants to live above his means and the politicians are only too happy to primise to him that he can. I don't expect that everyone will suddenly become interested in politics, but I hate this moaning that "I didn't know, the big guys did it!" I know you didn't know. And it's your fault. In the worst case, there's always the possibility of voting with feet.
Does it really say "Darwin loved Hitler"?

I already see the headlines: "Sensational news! Charles Darwin invented the Flux Capacator!"

Haha, no, I was just making a joke about the book's foreword that is more or less a character assassination on Darwin. It doesn't say he loved Hitler (for reasons already mentioned, haha), but it does say that his work is what inspired Hitler to start slaughtering Jews.


There's a scan of the intro, complete with like 2 pages of Hitler/Mein Kampf quotes.

(Ironically, Hitler did have a habit of quoting a certain book to back up his beliefs on Mein Kampf. Ah, yes, that was the Holy Bible.)
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Funny, I'm in my school lounge and I turned around and on the table was that exact same copy of Origin of Species. :lol:

I'm not gonna read it. It's published by some Christian company in a transparent attempt at "teaching the controversy" and probably has more [REDACTED] black marker drawn through it than a CIA interrogation manual.

Also, Ray Comfort strikes me as a self-absorbed prick. No wonder Dawkins didn't want anything to do with him because he's got better things to do, like brush his teeth.
Clearly, Darwin must have been able to travel through time or different dimensions as he loved Hitler who was born seven years after Darwin died. It's very strange indeed.

Maybe Q revealed itself for Darwin and took him on a travel through the future... :think:

"Eyh, Alois Hitler, my old school buddy! I hear yous doin' some sexin' up of the wife, plannin' a baby boy? I love him already, dooog!"
- Self biography of Charles Darwin, conversation with Alois Hitler, father of Adolf (p. 204).
Funny, I'm in my school lounge and I turned around and on the table was that exact same copy of Origin of Species. :lol:

I'm not gonna read it. It's published by some Christian company in a transparent attempt at "teaching the controversy" and probably has more [REDACTED] black marker drawn through it than a CIA interrogation manual.

Actually, the actual content of Origin seems intact, at least what I've read through in my copy. Skip the laughably bad intro and it's still Darwin's classic work.
"Eyh, Alois Hitler, my old school buddy! I hear yous doin' some sexin' up of the wife, plannin' a baby boy? I love him already, dooog!"
- Self biography of Charles Darwin, conversation with Alois Hitler, father of Adolf (p. 204).

"I don't care what they say, Adolf Hitler and I will find a way to beget a son through intercourse. I mean what could possibly go wrong?."
-Oswald Mosley
most religious nuts are complete hypocrites that usually do a great job of shooting themselves in the foot as soon as they start debating the science behind evolution by natural selection... ... I've watched way too much evolution vs creationism debates and stuff the last couple of days....
"I don't care what they say, Adolf Hitler and I will find a way to beget a son through intercourse. I mean what could possibly go wrong?."
-Oswald Mosley

Oswald was a pretty funny character.
I could not find this story on a "neutral" news site, like BBC and Reuters. Why is it I can only find this story on right leaning news outlets? What have the others have to hide? New is news, right?

HDNet's Dan Rather stepped on one mine after another in the racial minefield that exists when talking about the nation's first black President as the former CBS anchor, on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show over the weekend, uttered the following take on the President's ability to get health care passed and how the GOP and independents would view it. [audio available here]

DAN RATHER: Part of the undertow in the coming election is going to be President Obama's leadership. And the Republicans will make a case and a lot of independents will buy this argument. "Listen he just hasn't been, look at the health care bill. It was his number one priority. It took him forever to get it through and he had to compromise it to death." And a version of, "Listen he's a nice person, he's very articulate" this is what's been used against him, "but he couldn't sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic."

While Rather may not have been being intentionally racist one has to wonder what the reaction would be if a conservative had used similar language on the show. (Thanks to the MRC's Bob Parks for alerting us to the remark and creating the video.)

Earlier Rather called the current legislation a "Republican health care bill" as seen in the following exchange as it was aired on the March 8th Chris Matthews Show:
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CHRIS MATTHEWS: Will health care, the health care bill of Barack Obama, the one he roughly is for now, coming out of the Senate and coming out of the House. Will it become law? Will he win?
DAN RATHER: Yes because what we have now is basically a Republican health care bill, if it gets through. It's, it's got a lot...but I think the President finally putting his whole sack in on it, yes he wins but it's not a certain thing.


ANDREA MITCHELL: I think close call it has to win or else this presidency is in serious...

MATTHEWS: So in other words they'll make it happen.

MITCHELL: They've got to make it happen.

MATTHEWS: Joe Klein?

JOE KLEIN, TIME: Congressional Democrats are dreadful but they're not entirely stupid. They have to pass it.

MATTHEWS: And Nancy Pelosi will have her greatest triumph.

KLEIN: Sort of.

RATHER: When you talk about a triumph though. One, part of the undertow in the coming election is going to be President Obama's leadership. And the Republicans will make a case and a lot of independents will buy this argument. "Listen he just hasn't been, look at the health care bill. It was his number one priority. It took him forever to get it through and he had to compromise it to death." And a version of, "Listen he's a nice person, he's very articulate" this is what's been used against him, "but he couldn't sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic."

Before that exchange Rather and Andrea Mitchell, as noted by NB's Noel Sheppard, agreed that Obama made a big mistake by pushing health care.

Some political pundits on the left are excusing him on the grounds that he is one of those "aw shucks" Texans.

I think that is insulting to the good people of Texas, the majority of whom are more open minded than some their neighbors to the North. I will agree with Dan Rather that our President is a lousy salesperson, probably because he never had to do anything like that before his presidency.
Jihad Jane from Philadelphia is the latest


US 'Jihad Jane' charged with planning terror attacks in Europe
An American woman known as "Jihad Jane" was charged by US prosecutors on Tuesday with recruiting jihadist fighters to plan terror attacks in Europe and South Asia.

By Tom Leonard in New York
Published: 11:05PM GMT 09 Mar 2010

Colleen LaRose, a woman from suburban Philadelphia who was "desperate to do something" to help suffering Muslims, is also accused of agreeing to kill a Swedish citizen on orders from unnamed terrorists.

Miss LaRose, who is believed to be 47, is alleged to have travelled to Sweden to carry out the killing, but it is understood she was stopped by the authorities before she could do it.
Didnt see that one coming. Nice to see that the security police did.
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Swedish? Er why? I know, I think, she does not like socialised healthcare obviously.
Are you saying that terrorists don't want us to have universal healthcare? :shifty:
Swedish? Er why? I know, I think, she does not like socialised healthcare obviously.
Nah it's the usual complete lack of understanding for free speech and free thinking.


Here is the picture the seven people that have now been arrested want to kill Vilks over. No I'm not kidding. This is the actual picture.

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Why don't we debate marxism? Down with property! Down with freedom! YEAH!

(Tired, sick and dizzy, gimmie a break.)
Been there, tried that. Big fail.

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