Honda Choir Spoofed

:lol: :lol: :lol: That was funny.

Not to forget their original Honda spoof which also happens to be there!
Clicky Here

For those that don't know, 118 118 is a UK telephone directory service. They've also recently done an A-Team spoof ad which is also quite funny!
:lol: :lol: Good way to start my day :p

monkeymax said:

Not to forget their original Honda spoof which also happens to be there!
Clicky Here

And that one's even funnier!!
:lol: :lol: Thats awesome, looks like a 10 10 220 phone service type commercial thing
SiR_dude said:
monkeymax said:
For those that don't know, 118 118 is a UK telephone directory service. They've also recently done an A-Team spoof ad which is also quite funny!

jensked said:
hahaha who are those guys?

Reading > jensked :p

What did he say? Do i recognise my name? I can't read that well :oops:
jensked said:
What did he say? Do i recognise my name? I can't read that well :oops:

It's okay - you're more attentive than one of my best mates who needs to be told things about 4 times before he even notices you're talking to him - then he often needs it explained to him!