Image Request: YB-49


"Be The Match" Registered
Apr 5, 2006
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Does anyone have the photograph of the Northrop YB-49 Flying Wing taken with the US Capitol dome in the foreground?

My Google-fu is weak today.
Wow, you do suck. 5th image listed:

Cue Independence Day music. On a similar note, have you guys seen the History Channel's Secret * Aircraft of WWII series? They have some nifty bits about flying wings, among others, especially the Horten Ho XVIII that could've reached NYC in 1946. (name blocked) has some torrents up if you have membership.
I'm surpised that there isn't any other pictures of that occasion on the net, pretty much the only large picture that Viper found.

Learned a lot about that thing while living out at Edwards AFB.
I swear that image didn't come up in any of a dozen Google searches.

Goddamned Google-fu!
Cue Independence Day music. On a similar note, have you guys seen the History Channel's Secret * Aircraft of WWII series? They have some nifty bits about flying wings, among others, especially the Horten Ho XVIII that could've reached NYC in 1946. (name blocked) has some torrents up if you have membership.

Grumman (guy responsible for YB-49s and B-2) built his first flying wing as a proposed fighter for WWII. Spiffy looking thing, but never got sold. He was pretty dead set on building a flying wing for the Air Force.
It was Jack Northrop, actually. The Northrop company didn't buy Grumman until 1994.

This photo was an accident. The President asked the test pilot to "fly right down Pennsylvania Avenue" The problem was that from the air Washington looks like a damn forest. The only reference point the pilot could find was the capitol building and there just happened to be someone standing there with a camera at that moment.
Nice, if only that damn Avrocar worked!


It was Jack Northrop, actually. The Northrop company didn't buy Grumman until 1994.

This photo was an accident. The President asked the test pilot to "fly right down Pennsylvania Avenue" The problem was that from the air Washington looks like a damn forest. The only reference point the pilot could find was the capitol building and there just happened to be someone standing there with a camera at that moment.

It was one or the other. I had a 50/50 chance of getting it right :p
What if it turned out to be Lockheed? :p
btw, if you need a better image (such as a real picture) you might try contacting the History Office at Edwards AFB; they will (I suspect) have a zillion pictures and be happy to send you a whole bunch!
