Catholic Church adds seven new deadly sins

This sort of thing helps to illustrate why many Christians are disgusted with the Catholic church, and that there is a big difference between hardcore Catholicism and a humble following of Christ.
I mean no offense to any of you who are religious and the following post is not meant to offend you.

Religion is why the world is so Fucked Up

/I mean no offense to any of you who are religious and the following post is not meant to offend you.
I believe in God, but i don't believe in organized religion. Every person should keep faith in their heart and believe as they want to believe, not as they are told to believe.
I mean no offense to any of you who are religious and the following post is not meant to offend you.

Religion is why the world is so Fucked Up

/I mean no offense to any of you who are religious and the following post is not meant to offend you.

I believe in God, but i don't believe in organized religion. Every person should keep faith in their heart and believe as they want to believe, not as they are told to believe.

You and I are on the same page of thought :)
I mean no offense to any of you who are religious and the following post is not meant to offend you.

Religion is why the world is so Fucked Up

/I mean no offense to any of you who are religious and the following post is not meant to offend you.

See, one sign that organized religion (and I stress ORGANIZED religion vs. religion that gives the individual hope and faith) is fucking up the world is that you have to apologize for voicing that statement. Why are you afraid, because you might offend someone? That said someone might come and kick your door down because you don't agree with him?

I know you're not actually afraid, but I'm fucking tired of seeing Muslim extremists burn down embassies over the slightest little perceived offense.
I'm sick of religious fearmongers capturing the imagination of politicians and pandering syncophants all over the world and blocking all sorts of progress.
I hate seeing rationality and science being torn down and forced to bow at the altar of differing, perceived morality, driven by fear, styming the sort of scientific progress that has propelled mankind forward and onward toward its present state.

I can't stand the fact that people like Blind_Io's father had to die because some religious **** decided to ban stem cell research because they thought that the potential benefits weren't enough to overcome ancient fears and prejudices because they're too goddamn close-minded to study the facts.
I hate how our government isn't capable of rational thought and denying gay couples the same rights as straights, even though they love each other even more than those stuck in shallow, passionless shams of a marriage ceremony that was once upheld by the very sanctity of the church that intrudes upon the state.

Most importantly, I'm exasperated from seeing Fred Phelps still existing as a living, breathing, human being. Why hasn't anybody done the common thing and blown his entire "Baptist Church" with a homemade bomb, with the same amount of hatred that he preaches? Why do the innocent always die yet the demons still live?

The Catholic Church is the paradigm of this, and these farcical rules will be forgotten in less than a month, a mere interesting footnote in its Wikipedia entry, a curiosity in an attempt for the world's wealthiest organization to regain its dwindling membership.

Organized religion brings out the worst in the masses and mob mentality; hell, just see how pissed I am when I wrote this!
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I thought it's been named only The Church of Gear (to encompass all gears - Top Gear, Final Gear, Gear (usa), Gear (aus) and.. *cringe* Fifth Gear...).
Found some interesting information:
The breakdown:
Total income 422.098 billion (not total worth, just total income for the year. Let me say that again, this is what they made ON TOP of their non-liquid assets like art and real estate)
(increased by 64 billion from previous fiscal year)

number of our employees (in 2000) was approximately 2,700
(an increase @ 70 persons.)

expenses @ 188 billion ? note: unless I read the article wrong, there was no mention of charitable giving, only receiving

You had better be giving a hell of alot of that away to say that "most" the money is going to charity work. I would bet my left nut that the majority of those funds goes to paying administrative costs, property upkeep and other such expenses - essentially the money gets reinvested into the parent organization so it can make more money in the form of dividends, evangelism, solicitation of donations, and churches (branch offices).

So since they didn't mention charity there we are to assume they do no charity at all? I will concede that a huge chunk of that money is probably going to administration cost, however note that it does not include local church activity and charity work, which should be included.
However I still hold to the fact that most of the money goes to good charity work. The land and buildings are tax free and aren't exactly high upkeep.
A 'low upkeep' church? :lmao:

I can tell you from firsthand experience that nothing could be further from the truth. I've got 2 protestant ministers in my family, so I've heard more than enough grumblings. Roofs need replacing, 60 year old boilers quit (necessitating a total HVAC retrofit), 100 year old churches need old cloth insulated wiring replaced, ramps have to be added for the handicap, etc etc. Don't even ask how much it takes to heat or cool a turn of the century, 20k square foot church with a 40+foot peaked roof!

Most importantly, I'm exasperated from seeing Fred Phelps still existing as a living, breathing, human being. Why hasn't anybody done the common thing and blown his entire "Baptist Church" with a homemade bomb, with the same amount of hatred that he preaches?
You think you were ranting? Don't get me wrong, that was quality stuff and I couldn't agree more, but I hate that motherfucker Fred Phelps. There's been at least 3 separate occasions were I was so close to firebombing that place. I know exactly where it is too. But I take comfort in the fact that he's an old fart and the lawsuits keep piling up. As satisfying as it would be to watch that building and all it symbolizes burn to ashes, it will be even better to see the system slowly crush him and his psychotic family.

As for the 'new 7 deadly sins': fuck them. Those assholes would have us go back to the dark ages ... I'm not even going to start. Fuck them.
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So the smoke from the Vatican didn't contribute to pollution? It was some kind of carbon free coloured paper they used?

The Pope probably has more Frequent Flier Points than 98% of his congregation too.
The new sins are:

- Genetic modification[...]
... well I guess, Priest Gregor Mendel will just have had a vistit on his clowd in heaven from two meatmountainesque Angels, telling him he?s no longer welcome in heaven and that he will be forcefully relocated to Hell ... we can?t have People like him playing the harp in heaven. Where would that lead ...

Oh God bless the catholic church ... :rolleyes:

Hey WSBT, my shitty local NEWS. They'll give you a ten minute report on the NASCAR race in Incest, Tennesse but not mention the F1 race going on a short drive away in Indianapolis. The one drawing international attention and hundreds of thousands of people.

Think they also did a report on how our new daylight savings time causes more theft in the evening. . . right? :rofl: