Kill a dream

Granted, but no gas station has gas long enough for you to get some.

I wish they'd change the speed limits to at least 120mph on the major highways here.
Granted, but everyone realizes their cars are rather scare above 75mph and constantly slow you down to an average speed of 60mph.

I wish the US' car importation laws weren't so protectionist.
Granted, but in a surprise move all the gas stations in the US converted to hydrogen stations overnight rendering gasoline engines useless.

I wish I know how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if in fact said woodchuck could chuck wood.
Granted, but the Somali pirates come back for your sound system.

I wish I had a decent car.
Granted, but your Converted Pescarolo C60 burst into flames when you tried starting it because some idiot wired up the ignition system wrong.

I wish I was the owner of that grey Murcilargo I saw today
Granted, but the explosion that reduced Achmed to a skeleton also affected your car and reduced it to a burnt-out shell.

I wish I was a piston inside a F1 engine.
Granted, but your a lot shorter now and most people now ignore you

I wish my Hilux wasn't so slow
Granted, but now your truck is so fast you crash like Hammond.

I wish I bought that black Audi I test drove, (because it had a manual transmission and I wouldn't be having the problem I have now :cry: )
Granted, but you lose your left leg and right arm 7 days later in a tragic accident involving a high school marching band, Al Gore, and Halley's Comet.

I wish air travel didn't suck.
Granted, it blows.

I wish somebody would buy my car.
Granted, but you forget to sign the title over to the new owner. They promptly wreck the car and stiff you with the bill that your insurance won't cover.

I wish the weather would stay clear for the next 6 months in this damn state.
Granted, all weather is being rerouted to Mexico where the ensuing floods will kill millions. Enjoy your sunshine!

I wish public drinking fountains would dispense something better than water, like Pepsi or beer.
Granted, now school children are getting drunk and dwi accidents rise, so a witch hunt occurs....hmm, wonder who they are going after?? (Land Rover Discovery and a 1980 Yamaha XJ650 are burning in the background)

I wish my aunt bought a car for me. (She just got a new Buick)
Granted, enjoy your Hot Wheels Hummer.

I wish I could discover a method of energy production that uses trash and converts it into pure gamma rays with energy E = mc^2, and market it putting citadels like the one in half-life 2 all over the country and make billions as the CEO.
Granted, but Al Gore, Ralph Nader and their yet to be born daughter team up to destroy you with nothing but a Ford Pinto, Chevy Corvair... and a crowbar.

I wish my car ran on hopes and dreams.
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Granted, but your hopes and dreams arn't a high enough grade to run your car :p

I wish I owned a car dealership, and not a Ford, Kia, Hyundai, or any other rubbish brand.
Granted. However, you only sell burnt out exotics.

I wish that I can ace my Hindi final tomorrow.
Meh, since you're studying something Indian I'll let you off :p

Granted, good luck Sahib :lol:

I wish jillion was a number and I had a jillion dollars
Granted, jillion is a number, but it means 1 / 1 000 000.

I wish i wasn't coming down with a cold. It's gonna be a sucky 24 hours whilst my immune system obliterates the infection (read: haven't been sick for more than 24 hours in over a decade).