Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series - Agent Coulson is back

I don't get how muscle memory didn't get transferred, though. It's not memory that's actually stored in muscles, it's just a synonym for long-term memory, which is also stored in the brain. I'm sure they'll come up with some gobbledygook to explain it.

You are over thinking it. Its muscle memory its stored in the muscle use TV logic.

I too love the extra wing and engines on the Globemaster.
Technobabble is one thing - Treknobabble which was so far removed from reality, that no matter what was said, you could suspend your disbelief. But when you have a mediocum of engineering training or scientific interest, the technobabble in this series is just annoying. Everytime they started spewing that guff I developed an uncontrollable twitch.
TV shows with their whole "Will they/won't they?" Is a tried and tested formula at this point... Dammit Fitz, take Simmons over a lab table right now!!!

This show is still pretty good.
I know Ward should never be trusted, but I dunno if I believe him or his brother regarding childhood.

Also yesterday's episode.... So, the carving just stops? That annoyed me slightly. I won't go into the welders plothole.

On a side note, referring to Skye. She is an 084, or is it really her dad who is the 084. As he murdered the village?

P.S. the token black guys are exactly that.
Anyone catch the S2 mid-season finale?

I'm excited to see that the show is following the comics so closely! We now know that Skye is actually Daisy Johnson aka Quake and is part of the group known as the inhumans. It will be interesting to see how they use her new powers in the show and if those powers will in fact alienate her like her father predicted.
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Yeah the mid season finale was crazy, especially now that they revealed Skye's real name so we know exactly which character she is in the Marvel comics
Didn't know we were back. 5 episodes to catch-up. :mrgreen:
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The 'real shield' are terrorists, you can't just walk-in and say "yep, we're shield now."
We knew that the Cavalry would be dark but... :blink: I'd have no hesitation.
WOWzers, yesterdays episode was pretty fucking cool.
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I have a feeling someones going to die this series, maybe Simmons.