Awesome Thread

Searched the thread, haven't found this

i want this one


I have 2. I got one for myself and another for my brother when he got married, but I never got a chance to give it to him.
Again; haven't been through thread, don't know if repost, etc.


This is by far the best rifle i have ever made. it is a working magazine-fed rifle in bolt action configuration, with detachable magazines, sniper scope and bi-pod

you can see a video here that explains all of what im about to say

'bolt action' means that every time you want to load a round, you flick the bolt lever up, pull it backwards, push it forwards again and flip it down. by doing this you will extract a 1x4 brick from the magazine, pull back the 'hammer' (rubber band), insert the brick into the chamber and hook the rubber band onto the back of it.

bolt action rifles were one of the first types of repeating rifle, along with the pump-action and lever-action. they were used in WWI and WWII, as they are reliable and easy to use.

this rifle has a sniper scope, bi-pod stand and 2 8-round magazines. the stand is collapsible and detachable and clips onto the front of the barrel. when it collapses the legs are parallel with the barrel.
the sniper scope looks authentic, but when you aim with it you actually look through a small hole underneath the scope, as i couldnt make the actual scope hollow.

the mechanism is a pretty simple one, and because of this hardly ever jams.
^ And please to anyone - don't say 'Its awesome'. Its not. Its annoying. For many reasons.

If you hadn't guessed, I'm not very patriotic.
^ And please to anyone - don't say 'Its awesome'. Its not. Its annoying. For many reasons.

If you hadn't guessed, I'm not very patriotic.

:neutral: :idiot:
Then again, thinkgeek want 60$ for a 14$ spycam from China :p
Pretty cool
That Breaking Bad picture is hilarious! :lol: