Cop tazers 14 year old girl in head, prongs penetrate skull

If I was a police chief none of my officers would carry a taser. There are many ways to subdue a suspect without use of this controversial device.

From an advertising article

Kuspa wasn''t surprised that 96% of the suspects were unarmed. Tasers are not intended to replace the officer''s gun, but instead will serve as an alternative to pepper spray or physically restraining a suspect, he said.

"You don''t go to a gunfight with a Taser," Kuspa said, "and you don''t go to a knife fight with a Taser."

Armed or Unarmed the taser is advertised for this use and the law governing law enforcement upholds that currently. Im not saying that a 14 year old female suspect is any more or less deserving. What I have said is no one should be shocked with a taser.

Let me crystallize this further I have made both a personal and legal argument. Personally I would not want police officers to have tasers. Legally under the CURRENT LAW it is within the police officers powers and boundaries.
The amazing thing about all of this is that it was the police chief that shot her with the taser! The chief is generally the senior, most experienced officer on the force; that's why he or she is the chief.
If the chief is making poor decisions like this, what does it say about the officers under his command?
And if there is one lesson to be learned from this and similar incidents that have happened in the past couple of months, it's this: don't expect the police to discipline your children for you, that's your job as a parent.
Armed or Unarmed the taser is advertised for this use and the law governing law enforcement upholds that currently.
Sure it is legal for police to have tasers, of course there are many situations where it is legal for them to be used, however you are generalising and not acknowledging the circumstances of this particular example. We are most certainly discussing a particular example of taser use, nobody is questioning the legality of police possessing a taser, your argument is invalid.

This case would quite possibly be considered excessive force, which is not legal.
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I think first issue with all of this is right now is that tasers are being misused by police overall. They where originally brought in as a REPLACEMENT for the gun. The idea was you have a suspect that you would otherwise shoot, say a guy with a knife but a good distant, to tasing them so they could go down and you can disarm them.

But now they are used as a way to subdue people before arrest, and part of is on training , fear, and laziness. Also public pressure from what they see as police beatings during arrest. If a cop needed to beat a guy down to get him arrest it leaves a lot of marks and makes for great video. Tase him and you might not even get noticed. Also taking someone down puts the officer at risk or being disarmed and his own gun used. And pure laziness also plays a fact that you can tase this guy, he goes down and boom handcuffs.

As for this girl, its a toss up. She was beating her mom, meaning she was harm to others. Also she was sending what where illicit photos of herself to an older man, putting herself at risk and under some interpretation of legal law committing a crime herself (lots of debate on child porn laws and the issue of sending and receiving child porn EVEN when your underage). The cop gave her a command to stop, she bolted.

But a taser to the head is just all bad... Now I wonder if the gun is two stage like i have seen some where you fire and then push a button to shock or its just all one motion. Because maybe it was just bad luck and aim that got her in the head. Also the cop had to wonder if i tackle her is she going to start yelling sexual abuse, which sadly common with young girls these days.

If I was the cop, I would have given chase and called for backup and arrested her by force, but then the headline might be "Officer beats up 14 year old" vs tase.

I hate cops...
This scares the hell out of me because I've seen cops use excessive force.
Absolutely inexcusable. You don't taze an unarmed teenage girl. Much less one that is running away from you and has done nothing wrong. I hope that piece of shit gets fired.
how unfit of a mother must you be to call the police on your daughter/son ?

Her mother is as/a bigger cretin than the cop that tazed the girl.

Not true. For many parents the child is so far out of control that actually calling the police and letting the kid spend a night in the lockup is the first step towards healing the family. Resources and financial assistance can be brought to bear and help fix the problem.

I worked in a treatment center for such kids for a year, and often it was calling the cops when the kid ran away or took the family car without permission that finally made the kid realize that mom and dad were serious this time.
What the hell??? What happened to "aim for the knees"? Why would you tazer someone in the head, and more importantly - a 14-year-old girl?