"Live Topic" Testing

That worked. I don't see Ice's text tho.
Looks like it's working fine for me..
Lemme try a non-admin account.
Random thoughts isn't THAT busy.
Do a hard-refresh first.
something has not gone right
Might have happened because there were too many posts per the page

Is that some sort of broken script that would have a button to take you to the last page to see the new live posts then?
Hey this is kind of cool now that it works.
There is a cutoff on the number of posts that is keeps visible before it cuts them off..
vbphrase["livetopic_newresponses"] = "%1$template_hook[navbar_buttons_left] new responses (<a href=\'showthread.php?t=%2$template_hook[navbar_buttons_left]&goto=newpost\'>live topic</a>)";


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