The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for thinking logic has any place in this game
Banned for underscores and numbers in your name
Banned making no attempt to hyphenate your name to indicate a space, but still persisted to use capital letters, trying to convince us that your username, in fact, consists of 2 names.

We can see through your lies Lurkerpatrol!!!
Banned because my name comes from when I used to play starcraft with my friends in 8th grade, and I needed to come up with a name that was something other than my first initial + last name. I was thinking "Hey wouldn't it be neat if Lurkers could patrol? Hey that sounds like a name I could use, since I can't think of anything else. Oh damn I can't type spaces for my name, whatever I'll just make it LurkerPatrol".

Banned for making me type all that and explain where my name is from. And triply banned because you smell funny.
Oh yeah?! Well...banned because......because......oh yeah?!!!!:mad:
Banned because you should know that the bomb is on the bus
Banned because you are meant to put the brick on the accelorator.
Banned because....because...damn, I can't think of anything. Just BAN!
Banned because if you can?t think of a reason for banning, you just don?t ban
Banned because that's technically a reason...
Banned because at the moment, I'm in charge, and what I say goes. Out out Buffy_09!!
Banned because who died and made you Queen of Bossy Boots Land? :mad:
Patrick Swayze. You're still banned.
Banned for suggesting that the late, great Patrick Swayze would have any affinity to Bossy Boots.
Banned for not realising that Patrick was bossy in himself when he wouldn't put Baby in the corner.