The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for being confused.
Did I miss the point again? Banned.
I think you did. Banned.
Nuts to you. Banned.
Banned for trying to pass yourself as professional poker player Ashspet "The Nuts" Pikachu.
Guppy is banned. Because I said. And my word is law. Right here and now.

(although everywhere else, I have no power)
Only one person holds power here and that's me, the Overlord. Banned.
Banned for trying to take Quiky's position.
I do not wish to take his place, this is his domain. But my domain is my entire imagination, which stretches on infinitely. Banned.
To infinity and beyond! Banned for making me think that.
Toy Story is awesome. Banned.
Not that awesome. Banned.
Name something more awesome. Banned.
Hunt for Red October. Easily more awesome. Banned.
Sean Connery is awesome, no denying that but still. Banned.
Banned for banning me for no good reason.
I always have a good reason to do anything. Banned.
You didn't share the reason. Banned.
Banned for wanting to know the reason so badly.
Banned. My lack of patience is legendary. I want it all and I want it now.