The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

You are failing in your duties. This discussion appears to have stalled. Banned. :razz:
Some say she likes to dress in boy's colours, while displaying the symbol that denotes her as a female and she lives in a former penal colony, all we know is she is called ashspet and she is banned to the confines of the track.
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Have you stopped jiggling yet? I'm thinking not. Banned.
I can jiggle if I want. Banned.
It's distracting. Banned.
Tough. Banned.
You stick that tongue out again and I'll cut it off. Banned..
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That would be mean. Banned for meaness.
It's my job to be mean. Banned.
You don't have to be. You can be your own person. Banned.
The Overlord must stay strong and never show any sign of weakness. Banned.
Banned for changing your avvie. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!
I can change it if I want to. In fact I am gonna change it right now. Banned.
:tease: Banned. Now we can't see his long blonde hair...
Or him putting the hat on. :tease: Banned.
More the hair I was looking at. It is very long. Banned.
No it was his arse, when his back was turned, I know you too well. Banned.
Banned for having no nose.