The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Did you sneak into my bedroom and beat me up last night? Because I haz a sore back. BANNED!
Banned for false accusations of assault.
It has not been proven or unproven, so at this stage, it is alleged. Banned.
Don't you try and weasel your way out this, confess to your crimes, evildoer. Banner.
I am innocent. You are not. Banned.
We both know that is not true. Banned.
You are banned, pack your bags and leave.
That gives him too much time. Send his bags after him. Banned.
Banned. You can now pack all of the bags. You're all outta here.
Banned for making amphibians do your job for you.
Banned for not having a legion of amphibians at your beck and call.
Banned. All Aussies do. They are called Cane Toads and they are going to take over the world!
They are no match for my army of cats. Banned.
Banned for playing with your words. Now you just sit there and eat them.
Playing with words is fun, you are a spoilsport. Banned.
No, I'm not. I'm fun. Banned.