The Funny Maths Thread.. which sometimes contains mildly amusing pictures

If only it was my grandmothers..... :wave::driving:

OK, I know this is the "Funny Picture Thread", and we post a lot of touchy things in here for laughs, but this is a pretty hairy subject that rarely gets talked about, causes a lot of suffering for those involved, and happens far more often than the Mass Media wants you to think. Sure, to you, it's just a joke, but to a growing number of bears online, it's another in a long line of jabs and slights that reinforces the idea of bears as a danger to society.

I'm actually close friends with a bear I met online, and unlike what this poster suggests, she was very upfront about it and made no attempt to lure me out into the woods for a mauling. At first, I was cautious (as most Internet-denizens would be), but as we chatted online she gradually opened my eyes to what her world was really like: a two-faced environment that purported to be open to humans and bears alike, but that was, in reality, a cold, harsh society that made it perfectly clear that those of an ursine nature were unwelcome. I learned how bears are effectively cordoned off into an Internet Ghetto of poorly-maintained nature reserve and therianthropy websites, and how many e-services we take for granted such as email and instant messaging are either crippled or flat-out unavailable to them.

So please, the next time you're about to post a funny picture, think of the bears. Thank you.
^^ :lol:
To me, this is hilarious. Our hire-bus from my trip to Dublin.

It was called 'Clifford The Big Red Lolbus Of Death' after that.
HAhahaH the Bush sequence is hillarious!

(for those who don't get it: That is Georgia, Usa)

Shit, I knew that Russian girl at work was a freaking KGB plant! Where's my Commie emergency kit?!!!
Is that the same as the zombie defense kit? SHOTGUN!

Both kits contain a shotgun as a weapon of last resort, but that is where the similarities end. The anti commie kit contains all of the supplies necessary to hide up in the North Georgia mountains and launch a guerrilla war against the invaders using only high school kids and the supplies we capture during raids. The anti zombie kit contains tools to destroy the stair case to my apartment complex and the weapons and supplies needed to hold this position.
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