Would You Rather?

Viking. Awesome hats

Would you rather write a great book or a great song?
Viking. Awesome hats

You know they never actually wore those hats right?

Anyways, a great book. Books are much more timeless.

Would you rather die or lose all senses and the ability to control your body, thereby having your mind effectively being left to it's own company, lost and trapped? (Pretty grim, I know.)
Death, because then not only would I lose my senses anyway, I wouldn't end up trapped inside my own head...because I'd have nothing to think about.

Would you rather: Have a "better half" who wasn't exactly attractive but was awesome in bed; or one who was drop-dead gorgeous but completely useless to you sexually?
awesome in bed, every time. I prefer function over form.

Would you rather be permanently dyed blue or orange all over
Blue, since it's my favorite color. I can always become orange by eating too many carrots.

Would you rather have the freedom to drive cars in video games with a steering wheel, pedals and a shifter, or get only a once in your life opportunity to drive any car you wanted on a race track for a day?
Once in a lifetime opportunity (I'd choose an F40 btw).

Would you rather have your farts forever be silent with occasional terribly foul odor, or have no smell but occasionally be very very loud.
Silent. You can always blame that on someone else or pretend it didn't happen.

Would you rather be constipated or full of gas that just won't fart out?
Constipated. Being full of gas is even more uncomfortable.

Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with George W Jnr or Snr?
George W Jnr. Being on a stranded desert island means no one can see me kick him in the face.

Would you rather be someone with a high IQ but with no sense of passion or even social decorum, or a stupid gregarious person?
Stupid gregarious. I know enough people with high IQs that they can do the smart stuff for me.

Would you rather be in the army, airforce or navy?
Honestly? None of them. But since I have to pick, Air Force, if only to carry on "family tradition" (both my parental units are Air Force vets).

Would you rather cut your best friend or one of your parents out of your life, with the full knowledge that reconciliation/reconnection would never be possible?
Parent. I don't much need my dad as it is.

Would you rather be the one in the relationship who loves more, or the one who is more loved?
Oooooooooooooohhh toughie...
Well, I'm usually (I think) the one that loves more, so for a change I'll be the one who is more loved. Maybe I won't get hurt as bad if/when it ends.

If you were 'the other person' would you want the relationship to be consumated or not?
Depends entirely on who was the real partner of the person with whom I was having the affair.

Be trapped in a pit of Venomous snakes or spiders (Insert other phobia inducing creatures here)?
Snakes. No creepy legs.

Would you rather be the world's best mechanic or chef?
Mechanic, I'd use my skills to fix up a few classic dream cars, plus food is always nicer when someone else does the cooking.

Would you rather fly round the world or sail round the world? (you can choose which plane or boat you use.)

EDIT: Forgot the question after I answered, my bad.
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Fly - I think I'm someone who would be seasick

Would you rather have great interpersonal skills or deductive reasoning skills?
Interpersonal skills hands down. If people like you, there is very little need to have any kind of other skill.

Would you rather have good fine motor skills (ex. handwriting, sewing, small electrical work) or gross motor skills (ex. sports, gardening, big mechanical)
Gross motor skills, my handwriting is good and I have no interest in sewing or becoming an electrician.

Be big and muscular (not bodybuilder big, that's just silly) or lean and athletic?

I know that the gender of whoever answers that question will factor a lot lol.
Lean and athletic, you don't really have a good shape when you're trying to look good in dresses.

Would you be a sheep or a cow?