The Funny Maths Thread.. which sometimes contains mildly amusing pictures


I see Cowboy's pigeon training is going well!
Re: naked man on statue, in Paris everyone would just go "la vache!" and then carry on smoking as usual. Speaking of carrying on, let's inspect some undercarriages for alien objects.

Sort of. That's an old photo of him as a tween.
I'm not sure if one can push him over or if one would completely disappear inside him while trying.
Hmm...what to do, what to do...kick the chair out from under him, as his shins would have to be 3ft tall for him to stand that high.
Call his parole officer, then slash the tires on his Cavalier.

Upon further video review the cat did not land on its feet. Result of the play is automatic loss of the laws of physics. The universe is charged its first time out.
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Upon further video review the cat did not land on its feet. Result of the play is automatic loss of the laws of physics. The universe is charged its first time out.

So that's why my buttered cat anti-gravity system isn't working!

Kick his ass?

I don't see the problem? This about his size being intimidating? Hand to hand it's about speed, agility, body strength, the ability to keep focus and not get lost in rage, not size..... fat is not a muscle.

Also hurting people is not a good thing! Well, sometimes it is, but most of the time it isn't.
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