The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

AR of AK, abbreviations are perfectly fine around here. And be more polite to Ms Shelly. You're banned for rudeness!
For abbreviating Alaska twice banned.
For getting uppity about abbreviations you are banned.
If you weren't uppity about it, you would have banned ash over it. My logic>>>>> your logic. Banned. :tease:
There is logic in everything that we do, it just happens to be illogical to others. You can contemplate that while you are banned.
For not contemplating enough you are banned.
Can there ever be enough contemplation? Banned. Go contemplate more!
What are you doing here? Go meditate on your life now. Banned.
Ouch! Banned for kicking out Miss Ash. Ever thought she'd done plenty of contemplation for the day?
How very right you are, on both counts. But still, I must ban you so you can go and complete your own contemplation
Banned because I like contemplation, dammit!
For wasting your time contemplating instead of doing the dishes and laundry, banned
Banned for being a chauvinist.
Banned. Masters sometimes have to give their subs direction.