Bush Wants to Label Birth Control as "Abortion"

Fuck i hope 2 terms is enough for Obama to fix all this mess..

Obama is very indifferent on this subject, he has always said that the woman should have the right to choose, but he has also said anti-abortion groups should have the right to fight for a ban. So I doubt he would sign this law. ;)
I don't really get the feeling that Obama will get much of anything done, but I suppose that's for a different thread.

OT though, this is so outlandishly stupid, annoying, and maddening that it comes full circle and I'm practically indifferent to it. I can't laugh, but I can't get as mad as I know I really should be.
So rape can be seen as preventing abortion? Interesting.
That man is an intellectual giant! Go USA, you really have got a genius leader there. I am surprised that congress is not trying to change the law so he can stay on for another 4 years.

Well, he just needs something like 9/11 to stay in power for as long as he wishes.