Adam Carolla, his 13 cars and his thoughts in article

....... America is all about posturing with big intimidating machines that are all-motor and sheetmetal with no concept of what real performance is. That is NOT what Top Gear is about and never has been. Why would you expect the US version to be any different? ....... What America needs is a wake-up call and introduction to what truly makes a high-performance car.

I would expect the US version to be different than the UK one because it's not being aired in the UK. Let's face it, the US is a lot different than anywhere else and I would expect if NBC wanted the show to be somewhat successful they would cater at least a little to the country they are airing the show in. Can you sit there and seriously say that the Aussie version of the show isn't going to feature quite a bit of Holdens and Utes and other things that are typically Australian just as the UK version has a little bias towards Aston Martin, Jaguar and a number of both new and classic european car makers?

America is america, and americans like big, loud, shiny things even if they're pointless and don't do anything and that's our right and we're not likely going to change, being the creatures of habbit that we are.

Also, this wake-up call about performance cars... it's never coming. 85% of the American population doesn't care about performance, they care about comfort, convience and being able to throw the kids and other junk in the back of the car when you have to go somewhere; why do you think there are so many vans and SUV's on the road?

The other 15% of us who do care about performance cars should care about cars built in the UK and the rest of the world because why? Most of them aren't even available in the US and the ones that we can get are so expensive very few can afford them, maybe 5% out of that 15% can afford them and it's likely that only 2% of those who can afford them actually know what to do with a real performance car, the rest are looking to "compensate" for something. I'd be willing to bet that 90% or Porsches sold in thet US never see a track or get ran to redline more than once in their life.

So that leaves you with 10%, the *meat* of your veiwing audience for Top Gear America, middle and upper middle class men and women whos introduction to perfomance cars wasn't a Lotus Esprit, an XKE, an RS Escort or a hopped up Mini. It was likely a Mustang GT, a Charger, a Camaro or a '57 Chevy.

While a lot of the US viewers will appericiate the other stuff, the show isn't going to make it if they ignore or bash every vehicle made in the US over the last 50 years, it's just that simple. These "primitive" cars are in our blood and in our hearts and nothing is going to change that.

Personally I've had the muscle cars like a Charger R/T and I've had european stuff too such as MK1 and MK2 GTI's, and an Alfa Spider; they're all great cars but for completely different reasons, a lot of people don't seem to be able to deal with that.

I will agree that a lot of todays american cars are cheap looking and feeling but so are most of the cars built throught the world. Most car makers build cars to make money and going cheap is money in the bank for them, less overhead and a shorter planned obsolescence. It'd be stupid form them to build every car with Rolls Royce quality when most people only want and are willing to pay for something as good as a Cobalt. And I'm tired of hearing about the leafspring/pushrod BS, I thought that bandwagon left the station a long time ago.

After reading that article, I think Adam is trying a little too hard to impress the TG fan base. I think the general consensus of TG fans is that American cars are trash (I do not share that opinion), and it seems that Adam is catering to this attitude to please as many people as possible.

Oh, and what's his beef with the CTS's interior? I think it looks alright. Certainly doesn't "look like shit".

I totally agree. I've always liked Adam because he didn't car about popular opinion, but it seems his has changed of late to fall more in line with the "in crowd". I could be wrong, who knows.... he may just be trying to stir s#!t.
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I would expect the US version to be different than the UK one because it's not being aired in the UK. Let's face it, the US is a lot different than anywhere else and I would expect if NBC wanted the show to be somewhat successful they would cater at least a little to the country they are airing the show in. Can you sit there and seriously say that the Aussie version of the show isn't going to feature quite a bit of Holdens and Utes and other things that are typically Australian just as the UK version has a little bias towards Aston Martin, Jaguar and a number of both new and classic european car makers?

America is america, and americans like big, loud, shiny things even if they're pointless and don't do anything and that's our right and we're not likely going to change, being the creatures of habbit that we are.

Also, this wake-up call about performance cars... it's never coming. 85% of the American population doesn't care about performance, they care about comfort, convience and being able to throw the kids and other junk in the back of the car when you have to go somewhere; why do you think there are so many vans and SUV's on the road?

The other 15% of us who do care about performance cars should care about cars built in the UK and the rest of the world because why? Most of them aren't even available in the US and the ones that we can get are so expensive very few can afford them, maybe 5% out of that 15% can afford them and it's likely that only 2% of those who can afford them actually know what to do with a real performance car, the rest are looking to "compensate" for something. I'd be willing to bet that 90% or Porsches sold in thet US never see a track or get ran to redline more than once in their life.

So that leaves you with 10%, the *meat* of your veiwing audience for Top Gear America, middle and upper middle class men and women whos introduction to perfomance cars wasn't a Lotus Esprit, an XKE, an RS Escort or a hopped up Mini. It was likely a Mustang GT, a Charger, a Camaro or a '57 Chevy.

While a lot of the US viewers will appericiate the other stuff, the show isn't going to make it if they ignore or bash every vehicle made in the US over the last 50 years, it's just that simple. These "primitive" cars are in our blood and in our hearts and nothing is going to change that.

Personally I've had the muscle cars like a Charger R/T and I've had european stuff too such as MK1 and MK2 GTI's, and an Alfa Spider; they're all great cars but for completely different reasons, a lot of people don't seem to be able to deal with that.

I will agree that a lot of todays american cars are cheap looking and feeling but so are most of the cars built throught the world. Most car makers build cars to make money and going cheap is money in the bank for them, less overhead and a shorter planned obsolescence. It'd be stupid form them to build every car with Rolls Royce quality when most people only want and are willing to pay for something as good as a Cobalt. And I'm tired of hearing about the leafspring/pushrod BS, I thought that bandwagon left the station a long time ago.

I totally agree. I've always liked Adam because he didn't car about popular opinion, but it seems his has changed of late to fall more in line with the "in crowd". I could be wrong, who knows.... he may just be trying to stir s#!t.


All I can say is +1
It doesn't matter what price they were made for, the point is that America has never been serious about the finesse and handling of a true light-weight sports car. America is all about posturing with big intimidating machines that are all-motor and sheetmetal with no concept of what real performance is.

Utter rubbish. Next you'll be on about how Americans are ignorant because they don't like soccer or cricket, and watch football or baseball instead. Or how about picking on Australians because some of their popular color choices for cars are...well..not what you'd find in the US or Europe!

Who said that "real performance" is all about light weight and handling, and not straight line power and acceleration? Who said that compact size and high mileage are more important than room and comfort? Who said that slapping many dollars of gallon worth of tax on a gallon of gas is "right."?

Those are simply European preferences. There's no "right" or "wrong" here. The only "wrong" is insisting the the European automotive view of the world is somehow "right."

Assuming they are always right works for TG which is based in... Europe (well, close enough). Bringing that attitude to America will be nothing short of epic fail. America is NOT part of Europe, doesn't want to be, was founded by folks who hated Europe...remember?

Who said that "real performance" is all about light weight and handling, and not straight line power and acceleration? Who said that compact size and high mileage are more important than room and comfort? Who said that slapping many dollars of gallon worth of tax on a gallon of gas is "right."?

Those are simply European preferences. There's no "right" or "wrong" here. The only "wrong" is insisting the the European automotive view of the world is somehow "right."

Plus fucking one, you hit this right on the head!
Well I agree with him on some points. I've always thought fake scoops are pretty silly. Tiptronic systems aren't as fun as a manual although I do occasionally use it.

"Those old Mustangs and Camaros -- they look like shit. The interiors are bad, the technology's bad. I don't get the American muscle thing"

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that jazz but old mustangs and camaros look like shit, Seriously? And no shit the technology's bad. I guess there is no rule against it but somehow I think the host of Top Gear America should 'get' the american muscle thing.

Not sure if he is actually serious about the $10 gas and a free service to drive anyone who doesn't want to pay. Assuming he is serious, he is just an idiot.

Still looking forward to TGA.
Wow, he has terrible taste in cars, aside from the '89 M3. That's the only one on that list that I'd pay money for.

Eat a bar of soap! British Racing Green Jag XJR.. <3
If the hosts of American top gear talk about american cars (muscle cars in particular) the way Clarkson and May do, American top gear will fail.
If the hosts of American top gear talk about american cars (muscle cars in particular) the way Clarkson and May do, American top gear will fail.

Why? That just seems such a blatantly stupid and elitist statement. If they don't like muscle cars, they're going to have a failure on their hands... Why?
Why? That just seems such a blatantly stupid and elitist statement. If they don't like muscle cars, they're going to have a failure on their hands... Why?

Because while people are open to debate, if the show does nothing more than focus on things the majority of viewers aren't interested in, and is as bombastically negative to their preferences as TG is, they just won't watch it.

People don't watch car shows for cars. If that were true, there's been plenty on US television.

They watch it for entertainment, and entertainment is not being told "you suck, what you like is rubbish, you are an idiot."

THAT is the elitism that will kill TGA dead as a stone.

to a point, what i want from the top gear america hosts is the ability to look jeremy clarkson in the face and say "you are an idiot and your opinion is wrong".

Whither you agree with jesus clarkson all the time surely you can respect that. Just copying his opinions would be stupid.
Favorite comment:
"So put down the coffee and drive looser"

"You edit out our comments so we can't write d o u c h e "
-with reference to motor trend commenting
"Maybe someone should send him down to Alabama with "Man Love Roolz" painted on the side of his S4, and let him get lynched by rednecks. I wouldn't miss this a@#wipe. "
The guy sounds like a real asshole in that article.

you're obviously not familiar with Carollas tv and radio work, this is his normal tone, he's strongly opiniated, arrogant and offends a lot of ppl = the perfect american counterpart for clarkson.

He says he brought this up on his radio show a "thousand" times. "People think it's elitist. They say, 'How's the poor guy going to get to work?' and my answer is 'Hey, douchebag, I told you how you're getting to work. I'm going to pay for a van to show up at your house and come pick you up with my extra five dollars a gallon. You shouldn't be driving because you can't afford it, you can't afford the insurance, you can't afford the upkeep," he says, and then enunciates. "I am going to save the poor man money."

I quite agree with this sentiment even tho it does seem arrogant and elitist. Americans, esp in LA have grown into the car culture lifestyle and don't want to give it up, not realize its still a privilege and not a right. You make it increasingly cost prohibitive, it will have an effect and ppl will find alternatives because they have to. They usually will not pursue alternative means of commuting until forced to. Simply asking/suggesting does nothing.
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No, if you recall correctly there was a point when i was the only one who said it would be good, i have high hopes for this show no matter what. dont put words in my mouth.

All i'm saying is, the whole "lol pushrods, lolsprings" thing is getting super old, its the trendy new thing to do to slag off old muscle cars like an old european car made for the same price didnt handle just as badly. (go on, go drive an old volkswagen or volvo... i'll wait) Despite bad handling, these are classic cars by any definition and dont deserve the slagging they get.

Wow Camaro-fanatic is getting a little over-sensitive/butthurt over Carolla's comments. Whats the matter, feeling betrayed by a 'fellow american car lover'? wow it just goes to show some ppl thrive on getting upset and complaining about it. He says he doesn't like some american cars, he spells out/backs up his reasons why instead of just saying 'cause they suck!' like some uninspired morons do. They're his opinions and if you dont like the fact they don't fall into line with yours....TOUGH.

And just because you don't like that, don't start projecting all your anger over it and come up with illogical mental connections like 'Carolla is busting on american muscle, that makes me mad! his crappy opinions will make Top Gear America fail!'

get off your high horse.

and to everyone else, remember when Carolla was originally announced as one of the hosts and what did ppl here worry about! oh no, that stupid guy who did the Man Show is going to be representing Top Gear for america! All he's going to do is make dumb jokes, know nothing about cars and do nothing but sing praises of american cars on this show, foreign makes will get the shaft and this show will suck!'

Now ppl are getting upset that Carolla turns out to be a euro and import car fan? The ppl on these forums are as dumb/sometimes dumber as the mob crowd on the Simpsons that can never make up their mind on an issue and keep going back and forth.
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This is nothing new. Adam has expressed these feelings towards American cars since he was on Loveline. I don't see how anyone can call him ignorant or anything because of his personal preferance. He is going to speak his mind on cars, just like the British presenters do.

Just because they hosts don't have personal tastes in line with you, does not mean you should shrugg this show off as a failure.
Because while people are open to debate, if the show does nothing more than focus on things the majority of viewers aren't interested in, and is as bombastically negative to their preferences as TG is, they just won't watch it.

People don't watch car shows for cars. If that were true, there's been plenty on US television.

They watch it for entertainment, and entertainment is not being told "you suck, what you like is rubbish, you are an idiot."

THAT is the elitism that will kill TGA dead as a stone.


Because while people are open to debate, if the show does nothing more than focus on things the majority of viewers aren't interested in, and is as bombastically negative to their preferences as TG is, they just won't watch it.

People don't watch car shows for cars. If that were true, there's been plenty on US television.

They watch it for entertainment, and entertainment is not being told "you suck, what you like is rubbish, you are an idiot."

THAT is the elitism that will kill TGA dead as a stone.


and you know for certain TGA is going to do this because you watched how many eps? .... oh wait, none?

so you're taking personal opinion comments from Carolla and assume that will be exactly how the show will be run? please tell me how you made that leap of logic.
and you know for certain TGA is going to do this because you watched how many eps? .... oh wait, none?

so you're taking personal opinion comments from Carolla and assume that will be exactly how the show will be run? please tell me how you made that leap of logic.

You should read the whole post before you comment. :rolleyes: He also said " if the show does nothing more than focus on things the majority of viewers aren't interested in, and is as bombastically negative to their preferences as TG is, they just won't watch it."
You should read the whole post before you comment. :rolleyes: He also said " if the show does nothing more than focus on things the majority of viewers aren't interested in, and is as bombastically negative to their preferences as TG is, they just won't watch it."

I did read that, thank you very much, and that statement reflects some huge assumptions, not fact.
And just because you don't like that, don't start projecting all your anger over it and come up with illogical mental connections like 'Carolla is busting on american muscle, that makes me mad! his crappy opinions will make Top Gear America fail!'

I never said anything like this, or even thought it.

One person hating something fine, but it should be counterbalanced with someone elses opinion on the show. If all three of them just rip on any certain group of cars than it wont be good for the show.