You know you...

when you're in it for the drive, and the drive alone.

You know your car is ugly when...
darkshark makes it his avatar

You know you're going to get into trouble <again> when ...
...your name is hail2tfreeman.

You know you are now old enough to access the NSFW forum when... :shifty: :p
Oh dear. Darkshark's been let loose.

You know you want to fall on the floor right now when...
...You have 7 exams in the next two weeks, which get you offers from universities, and don't know enough.

You know you need a job when...
You're evicted by your landlord and forced to live in the street.

You know you're starting to develop depression when...
...when you've been at this training base longer than your new roommate has been in the Air Force.

You know you like in a small town when...
it tells you so on the tiny little sign at the town limits

you know you got off lightly when
...all you get is a one day suspension.

You know it's time to escape when...
Von Smythe is annexing your country and you're a known KUIPER loyalist.

You know you're completely screwed once you find out all flights in and out of your country have been banned when...
Von Smythe is annexing your country and you're a known KUIPER loyalist.

You know you are about to become a political prisoner when...
...when there's a big red building in the capital with a giant portrait of a Marxist dictator stuck on the wall.

You know your country is actually SUPER-capitalist despite the government still calling themselves communists when...
...there's a shareholder meeting to decide the entry fee for Lenin's statue.

You know "they" are coming when...
the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and you get a strange vibration in your right elbow

you know your brain has left when also has right.

You know you should probably change the font of your essay when...
?when you start seeing Lada Rivas parked outside government buildings.

You know the sun has set when?
... the moon is out and the wolves are howling.

You know you're missing the point of everything in life when...