The Funny Maths Thread.. which sometimes contains mildly amusing pictures

She doesn't look like she would need any silicone, a boob lift could be in order though.
That specifies "child without shoes" - What if the fat woman on a Rascal scooter isn't wearing shoes?
Yes, I've actually seen that.
It wasn't actually in a Wal-Mart, but a Kmart.


For those who have an afinity for 5th Element...don't view this...





Aw, that one in the centre is dead-on. We could so do without those people...

If we ever get to the point where it's like, you know, there's no more oxygen or there's no more food and drastic action must be taken...

I can picture, like, this huge town meeting where everyone shows up... The place is packed... there's maybe a couple of those old-timey directional fans up in the corners of the ceiling that are trying desperately to circulate air but they've been there since McKinley was in office and they're all encrusted with that rancid brown dust that's probably mostly made of sweat and dead skin and even on their highest setting you can still see each blade spinning, clearly, before your eyes.

The atmosphere is rife with tension and everyone is sweating and grumbling and impatient and hungry/suffocating.

Some professor-looking dude takes to the lectern. His hair is dark up top but graying down the sides and it could do with being combed. He's looking disheveled, like he's been up for days working on this. He wears a tweed jacket and thick-lensed glasses that have thin frames and he adjusts them nervously.

He begins with an introduction and he consequently faces much booing and hissing; People just want him to get down to the brass tacks.

He discards his notes and places a hand on each side of the top of the lectern. He tries to sternly calm the crowd but they can sense a weakness in his eyes and the mood quickly turns very sour as he loses control of the crowd. The people do not like his ideas. There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Children start crying and babies start shrieking as desperate mothers try to calm them.

The professor, who may be a scientist now if that's funnier, calls upon the people in the auditorium for suggestions. It's half rhetorical, "these people will see how hard this problem is to solve" he thinks to himself.

Away in the back, almost out of his range of sight, a hand slowly raises.

It's me.

"Yes?!" he calls. "You sir, in the back! The floor is yours! Tell us of your grand plan to save the world! I'm all ears!:rolleyes:"

"Well" I say, "I think we could do without those people who are god damn oblivious to the fact that they're in your way."

The crowd erupts! There is much cheering! The cull will begin immediately! I'm lifted up onto the shoulders of the whole entire crowd and they all cheer for me and carry me around and shit!

And later, I get laid. And the chick was pretty hot, too... like, maybe a 7 or an 8.
This cake was for someone who's birthday was last friday:
I just hope the birthday boy/girl/all-of-the-above had a sense of humour.