The Aviation Thread [Contains Lots of Awesome Pictures]

sooo... open-rotor propfans are efficient, but enclosing them makes them more efficient. Right. Add another item to the list of ambitous but rubbish inventions.
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Does anyone know some good books on concorde which don't cost a fortune?



WANT! I hate bookdepository for ruining my wallet.
My dad was telling stories from his Navy days earlier.
"So we were landing in a diamond formation..."
"Why in a diamond formation in the middle of nowhere Puerto Rico?"
"It looks cool. Anyways, we had left the defroster on and as we came down in altitude and the window suddenly fogged up on the inside. So we're hitting the mark for final and the diamond is now breaking to the right, but I can't see shit. So my B/N unbuckles himself and grabs a rag and leans across the cockpit to wipe off the windscreen."
"This sounds like a good idea!"
"Yeah, live ejection seats and all. He had it cleared off before we were a half mile out. No problems!"
"Great. And this is the safe stuff right?"
"Yeah, the dangerous stuff always involved the aircraft carrier."

I'll have to have him retell the story of when three pilots all lost a tire/brakes on one formation landing. Don't remember the details so I don't want to repeat it inaccurately. Or when the Blue Angels crew changed a tire in 30seconds; so quick the spectators didn't even realize that the rear of the diamond had suffered a blow out.
Would anyone like to explain to me what makes an aircraft quieter? Also any general statements regarding the different sounds airplanes make? Thanks :D
Um, there are many factors involved.

There's the general shape of the aircraft, engine placement, landing gear placement, etc. Others off the top of my head include sound-insulation materials chosen and auxiliiary equipment placement.
Thanks, but any info on what shape is more noisy than others, etc.?
It depends on what the aircraft is designed to do. Are you talking about stuff like reducing sonic booms?
Well, everything. The sonic boom bit sounds especially interesting. Do you know of any good online sources regarding the topic?
Not really off the top of my head, but I do remember some aerodynamics books in the library dealt with supersonic flight.

You building some sort of stealth aicraft? :p

Some rocket awesomeness:

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Well, everything. The sonic boom bit sounds especially interesting. Do you know of any good online sources regarding the topic?

blunt curved shapes soften a sonic boom because, instead of one single shockwave, it produces many smaller ones. That's about all my current education can give.
Really? When and where did you hear a sonic boom up close? Supersonic flight's banned over land in the US (unless you're the military, those guys have bombs don't ya know, suck on that FAA) as well as for several miles away from land over sea and somebody would get a serious chewing out if they let a pilot break the sound barrier at an air show or something similar. But then I doubt you'd be dumb enough to not know the difference between a boom and a near supersonic super loud roar, so... when/where did you hear this?
Thanks for the info, I just saw this picture from the 787 and wondered why the caption read The engine pods on the 787 feature serrated edges to reduce noise.
