Random Thoughts....

I prefer Raikonnen as well, but Massastupid is a bit harsh. The poor man has a head injury.
Good thing: In July of that year I finally got my provisional license! I have less than a year to go now before I get my full one and can take those stigmatising 'P' plates off my car! :banana:

'P' plates?
^ yeah, plates we have to display on our car denoting that we are restricted licence holders.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driver's_licence_in_Australia <- have a read of that if you are insanely bored and want to know. I'm NSW and on green P2 licence. Have to have it for about 2 more years.
Drink beer Pour beer over head.
1. Find some beer.
2. Drink beer.
3. ?????
We have been infiltrated - by 2x infiltrators - brydiem and hemoh!!!! Hopefully - open mouth and pour in sufficient quantity to get that sweet, sweet beer taste - swallow - repeat as necessary.

Er notice that they are not dudes - its a conspiracy I tell you!
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Good thing that next time I have to be somewhere is in January 10th. This is not going to end well.
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then proceed to repeat the process until you can't distinguish basic shapes.
Sooooo....that Atlantian guy sure had a short stay here.
I have a J?germeister in a freezer. Oh crap...

pfft. I call that lukewarm piss. No, Jager is best served when it is hovering around 1 Kelvin.

omg poser n00b :roll:

(see signature picture)