Firefox Extension: one-step image transloading to Phyrefile!

Can someone make this extension for Chrome too? :D Obviously it fixed itself on its own in Firefox.
Chrome's extension API doesn't currently allow modifications to the context menu.
The Gleam API that would allow this is currently in the proposed state.

A workaround could be to add a button to the end of the address bar like the RSS button in the image below when an image is open. Drawback would be that this is a three step process (open image in new tab, select new tab, click button) rather than one. If that's still acceptable then I'll knock something together.

The much simpler way of doing a similar thing without writing an extension is adding the following code as a bookmark and clicking it when the image you want transloaded is open.
javascript:window.location="" + window.location
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Unless there's a way to pin bookmarks to the address bar along with extensions, I'd like the button. I don't use the bookmark toolbar, so going that way is a bit much. Thanks for the work mang!
Ok, what the hell?

I've got my preferences set to Phyrefile, but it keeps trying to load to Image Shack. Also, when I Ctrl-V to get the link it comes up like this:

http://img237.imageshack.**/img237/4909/smilez.gif' onClick='pageTracker._trackEvent("done-click","old-link-direct-link");

Is a fix in the works? Does anyone else have this problem?
It has been an on-again off-again error for me - and it happens with both ImageShack and Phyrefile settings.

I've switched to Chrome now anyway and am just waiting for the extension.
Are there adblocking plugins for that yet?
Yes, if you run the beta version, but the thing I've noticed about is that facebook chat is very laggy (still ok in FF) and there's no wysiwyg editor for vBulletin. :S

EDIT: the fb chat thing is related to jscript, google maps is wonky atm too, I think I need a reboot.
Walk three sunwise circles backwards around a sacrificed chicken while naked and singing "I'm Henry VIII I am" at the top of your lungs.
Bump. Is this addon still being updated? When will the 3.6 compatible version be out?
I have no idea, but this plugin has been broken for months.

I'm tempted to just uninstall it and go back to doing things the old fashioned way. At first it was just annoying but now the stupid thing is pasting in pages and pages of code instead of a link.
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Not all images can be transcoded. Some cause it to fail, though I've never seen that before. I know if I try to transcode any image from netcarshow, they block it. But otherwise, it works fine for me.
Try it on my signature, that was what I was trying to do when it kicked that. It's also doing it consistently. It's also doing it on your sig.