The iPad

Try typing on it. It's too wide to thumb type, so you have to type one handed while you grasp it awkwardly with one arm. Try setting it down on a table. Isn't the back curved? Sounds like a pain in the ass. They will sell an external keyboard, but...then why not just have a laptop, since you have to carry a bag to carry the keyboard and the "camera accesory link kit" or whatever they are calling it just to give it a usb port? Add the keyboard and USB/card reader kit, and you're adding $100 to that "what a deal" $500...and you've still only got 16gb.

Open your IM client, have some music playing, and copy information from a spreadsheet into an email, without constantly having to close something.

Jobs had it on his lap, so i guess that's how they see you using it if you want to go two handed typing.

Yeah, no backgrounding, big surprise, it sucks but it'll just get jailbroken.
I'm still not seeing the appeal of this over an iphone. It cant do full res HD, and it seems no more powerful in its capability axcept it's a bit speedier...but I'd give that up in a heartbeat for something that's 95% as good, but fits in my pocket. But I'll have to put the money I save in another pocket.
Jobs had it on his lap, so i guess that's how they see you using it if you want to go two handed typing.

Yeah, no backgrounding, big surprise, it sucks but it'll just get jailbroken.

That it needs to be jailbroken to have basic features is bad.
Apple has made this to compete in the NetBook arena, it's more expensive as it should be and it does everything most people use a netbook for (Surfing the web, instant messaging, video) Better than anything. (According to what i have read)
If by "better than anything", you mean it doesn't have full web support, and you can't run a browser and an instant messenger and a video player at the same time. Then yeah, it's way better than a netbook.
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It's great that you can get a netbook and an ipod touch for the price of one with 3G.
"All of our most advanced technologies"? Really, Apple? This is the most advanced thing you've ever made?

Come on now, be honest.
All companies are brutally honest about their products except Apple, dontchaknow.
Well it's not lie. It does have their most advanced technologies.

Multi touch screen and magical one button interface are all there, not forgetting the shiny bits either!

The pricing is pure madness though. I'm guessing low end model is there only for advertisement propaganda stating how their awesome iPod Macro starts at only 499.


Went to the Apple site to search if they actually claimed that the price was an unbelievable feature (they do).

But the best thing they said: Starting at 499$.


And they even used the word magical!
But an iPad is a pain in the arse because it's at least $500. You can get an eeePC Tablet for cheaper than that, and it actually works as a computer, not just an oversized Kindle/iPod.

Yeah but the point I'm making here is that I don't want a computer - I've got enough of them already. I've used tablet devices and pretty much every one of them is crap - it's the interface. They are using operating systems designed to be used with a keyboard and a mouse NOT with fingers.

The big difference with this device is that everything, the OS, the Applications - were all designed to be used by fingers from the ground up.

That's why this is so much better than an OSX version would have been.
About the price...are they suggesting that a 64gb ssd drive is $200 more expensive than a 16gb? Or are they using some uber-fast and cool Apple memory that comes from another planet, and therefore is much more expensive than regular memory?
.. Also App Store.
Because apps are better when their written by developers who had to perform "pleasures" for Steve Jobs to have their software accepted instead of all the software in the world that's written for Windows?
You sure put a lot of energy into hating Apple. Kudos to you.
That's why this is so much better than an OSX version would have been.
You know what would have been even better? An OSX version with an interface designed for fingers.

But apparently noone has ever designed an interface on a computer OS that's designed for touch screens before, so this is the best we'll get, right?
One of the things I love about the Android is that they allow apps that compete with their own software. Apple quashes apps that compete with Apple-made software.
I don't know about you, but I'd add a couple of $$$ more for a MacBook Air than get one of these.
You sure put a lot of energy into hating Apple. Kudos to you.
I don't hate Apple for the sake of hating Apple. Apple is everything anti-freedom, anti-tinkering, anti-consumer, anti-competition, anti-... everything about the technology business that Steve Jobs himself was took advantage of to be in the position he is today.

That's why I hate Apple.
I just hate Hipsters.