Random Thoughts....

Shoot him instead. Then you'll have your place to yourself again.

Hmmm.... but then I would only have my place to myself again for a few days before I'm arrested. But maybe I'll get lucky and have my own personal jail cell. :p
Play the "my house, my rules" card and make up some batshit crazy rules? :dunno:

Nah, he's a good guy. He's been doing a lot of work around the house, cleaning everything, doing all the dishes, and even buying most of the groceries. Plus, I'm kinda pissed at my mom for the way she's been acting lately, so I feel sorry for my dad and all the bullshit he's dealing with. Hopefully it will only be for another couple weeks though.

....I hope.
...God, I could go for something baked and chocolatey with a shitload of icing on it right now.
One of the more intriguing stories from these parts has come from the town of Stanley, which houses a correctional institute despite having a population of less than 2,000. Last month, it turned out a couple of prisoners escaped using forged paperwork. However, the city council and other citizens weren't informed of it until last week. Cue outrage and stuff.

The kicker, however, is a quote from someone from the Department of Corrections. She said it wasn't an escape, rather a "release based on fraudulent paperwork."

I remember!

And can't rep you at the moment because I need to spread some reppin' around.

Mhmm off to get some beer I go.
Switzerland's flag isn't neutral. They should change it to this


/totally the first person to ever think of this
:lol: Do what you want, I will not judge you.
