Misquote the person above you

Misquote the person above you

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As I awoke from my slumber, stumbling over to the door, I sensed something was awry. The air smelled of sulfur and toxins, and the breeze was warm, almost hot, though it was winter at the time. My eyes could barely focus, and a line of film coated the very top layer. I lifted off my glasses to wipe them clean and took a deep breath and exhaled on my spectacles. I looked out into the distance as I wiped my lens squeaky clean, and could make out a shadowy figure. I saw distinct blotches of red, spilling out as if I was near some volcano. But how could that be, I was at home! I grabbed the tips of the spectacles with my other hand, removing the bottom of my shirt from the lens, and put them on. I soon regretted that. What I saw was something other-worldly, demonic, and savage. It was ripping apart corpses and feasting on the entrails. My mind was in such a state of shock, that it took what seemed like hours to recover. And as I regained my consciousness, I regarded the environment around me. Buildings demolished and torn off, crashed cars, and corpses everywhere. In the distance I heard a shrill, followed by what seemed like a chorus of discordant howls. The ground began shaking, dust and dirt and rocks were flung into the air. My heartbeat increased exponentially, as dark silhouettes of these...creatures could be seen coming into view. They ran like dogs, but had much longer legs, and a face not even a mother could love. I heard the shrill sound of a girl in pain, screaming away, and then I realized it was me. As the figures approached, I knew I was their next target, I knew I was possibly the last remaining survivor. I knew... I was left for dead.

And no that shit wasn't copied from somewhere, I wrote the whole thing up on the spot.
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