The Funny Maths Thread.. which sometimes contains mildly amusing pictures

He he he...every time I see him now, I'll be imagining him just grinning, and thinking "cocks...cocks...cocks...cocks..."
And it's the first one I don't get :cry:

When two lovely ladies of a lady loving persuasion get together and do some lady loving, that is a term for one of their options.

More information on scissoring can be found on the internet.
:barf::roflmao: I didn't know that scissors can be term related to that activity, otherwise very familiar to me :lol:

The runs, well I should have seen that coming. :)
They are trying to look up Christopher Robin's shorts.
Kill the owner with fire blown from a 1000 vuvuzelas!!!!!!!!!

They wouldn't understand why you were killing them. You need to give them some of that hello shitty oil, dumping it on them and simply light a flare, killing them with fire.
I don't get it.