The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Banned for violating Santa's arse.
No. You.
And being that you are only 2, that's a long long long long LONG time.

You are too slow, I got the ban on him first. Banned.
Banned for being pushy
Not pushy, just quicker than you. Banned.
Potato Tomato. You're Banned anyway.
Potato and tomato are a vegetable and a fruit respectively. You are banned.
Everyone knew that already. Banned.
There are possibly some dum dums out there that had no idea that a potato was a vegetable.

Oh, and you're banned.
Banned for not bringing me fries.
Banned for expecting fries for nothing.
The fries are free. The rest is expensive. Banned!
You eat at the wrong places then. Banned.
But it's so worth it. Banned for doubting my tastes.
Your tastes might not be the same as mine. Banned.
So differences need to be appreciated. Banned.
Some, but not all. Banned.
Is life not a rich tapestry of individuals to be savoured and appreciated? Banned.
Maybe, maybe not. Banned.
Banned for dithering