The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

Double, triple banned with added bacon. You're outta here!
Quadruple banned.
Banned for adding unnecessary bans! One is enough.
Come on, we've all been banned multiple times in this thread already. And you're about to be banned yet again!
Ban a ban a ban a ban a Ban a ban a ban a ban a Ban a ban a ban a ban a BAN-NED
That's lots more to add to your collection
you know the Hulk real name right? its Bruce BANNED!

ok yes i know, its actually Banner but i was going for a cheap pun. come on just try and ban me for that i dare ya. Don't ban me. You wouldn't like me when i get banned.
Try me. BANNED.
grrr now you've gone and done it... grr.. *sound of shredding clothes* HULK SMASH, HULK UNBANNABLE! HULK HATE PUNY POSTERS. HULK BAN YOU ALL!
Iron Banned. You will not triumph.
I always triumph. Banned.
I'm thinking not. Because I ban thee, you have not triumphed.
I mock your futile attempts. Banned.
:tease: I mock your mocking and deny your futile attempt to deny my futility. You are banned henceforth.
I ban in your general direction!
You didn't give me a shrubbery. You are now banned for lack of shrubbery.
Banned because it's just a scratch!
You have been given authority by a farcical aquatic ceremony perpetrated by a strange woman in a pond distributing swords. You are hereby banned for lack of real supreme executive power.
Banned for long ban.