"Beat the Person Above You" Game (NO 56k)


Ground > Live
good one.

Faraday Cage.
the movie > real thing
wow twister has been unbeaten for a few days!

monopoly > suggestive twister
here we go again.
Blind_Io said:

Faraday Cage.

My older brother built one of those and I sat in it. Loud.

And he also set the lawn on fire with a tesla coil.
llpc60 said:

youre doing the 'my game > your game' ...not the point of the thread

Surely the point is to beat the person above you, using any means necessary? Since when did 'my game > your game' lose the ability to do that?
klammern > set
"das ist ein reines knastspiel! das ist schiweriger wie skat!"

ok, nobody will get this because of the background, but who cares. :lol:

anyway, the picture wuth the officer above reminds me of some old acquaintance who was arrested for smoking pot in the public. the cops thought he was a dealer so they raided his room (he was living with his parents...) and searched it pretty "thouroughly."
he afterwards said something along "they even fucking broke the settlers of catan! they broke the fucking settlers of catan!" he supposedly crapped into the cell in revenge. :lol: