Flame the Norwegians!

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No, we have the outboard engine, the paper clip and the spray can to boast about. :lol:
The cheese slicer (osteh?vel) is an invention with a historical background that is far from glamourous...

As we all know Norway used to be a very poor country before we exported fish, oil and technology. We were in fact so poor that we had to invent a device which could slice thinner slices off the cheese so the cheese lasted longer, thus saving money. The cheese slicer is thus not an invention I would brag about in front of foreigners... :lol:

Yeah, it was irony, osteh?vel = badass? Don't think so....
Sure it's badass. Even more badass than Kjell-Magne Bondevik.

For those here who are not Norwegian, or interested in the internal politics of Norway (heh), he's a former PM. During his rein, we were the only other country than Iran to have priest as our leader. :banana:
During the 1993 NATO ministral meeting, our representative was J?rgen Kosmo.

In a sea of blue, grey and black suits, who do you think he is? ;)

Kosmo is fantastic, he even had some coats which was turquois
The best thing about him, is that when he became president of Stortinget, the Norwegian parliament, he used a sort of peculiar transportation.

Right, the leaders of the respective American and British parliaments use either Jags or Cadillacs to get to work, I presume.

Kosmo, on the other hand. He got to work on a 30 year old moped. "It's economical", he said. :lol:
guys, all the non-norwegians are gone. They left when we took over this thread... lol

They know we are bigger, stronger, tougher and more reliable than themselves, you know.

After all, when my father was 10, he was given an axe, sent to walk twenty kilometers, to an old woman to kill the old cow.

Not the woman, the cow. It was old and needed to be slaughtered.

Yes, this sounds like Monty Python's "Four Yorkshiremen", but this is actually true.

haz: Just noticed the same ^_^

Hvorfor snakker vi ikke bare norsk? Da kan vi flame alle de andre uten at de forst?r en dritt :evil:
^If only there weren't any danish and swedish stoolies around....<_<
You've been infiltrated by an outsider!!!!!
Thanks a lot
Ahhhh......isn't that cute,i love baby talk :)

Oh shut your piehole, you green bloke.

Jeg liker virkelig ikke postmodernismen, eller noen ismer; en kan kanskje si at klassisismen er det f?rste eksemplet vi har p? popul?rkultur og masseproduksjon av kultur i Norge. Hvorfor? Fordi en isme gjerne f?rer til lik skrivestil over hele fj?la, og det er rett og slett kjedelig. Ismene er d?de, sier noen, og det burde de v?re. Folk b?r skrive i den stilen, og om de tema som passer dem, ikke la seg lede av populismen.

Paradoksalt nok, er populisme i dag det som kanskje rakkes mest ned p?. Og et enda st?rre paradoks, er det at kritikk av popul?rkultur er s? popul?rt i dag at det utvilsomt kan kalles popul?rkulturelt selv. Mainstream, kan en si.

For those who don't understand this because of the language barrier: I am talking about women.
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