

Rachael Leigh Cook unavailable for comment.
At first I was going to make some snarky comment about how you should have posted this in the "Cool Videos" thread instead of starting a new one, but after watching the video I'm just confused as to why you posted it in the first place. It's just a crowd dancing outside to some techno, and the guy in front isn't wearing a shirt. Whoop-de-doo.
I guess it is supposed to be some sort of media art...

here is a translation (by google) of the artists website:

Crazy German Artist Guy said:

Genuinly or posed? The camera as Vojeur in an unusual situation and proximity. A fragment of the citizens of Berlin Fuckparade, the Gegenveranstaltung to the Loveparade.

Material or set UP? The camera as A voyeur in on extraordinary situation and level OF intimacy. A fragment OF the Berlin Fuck parade, the anti-parade into response ton the Love parade.

Reality is more stranger than fiction and more bizarre than any kind imaginable.

Un segment bizarre de la Fuck parade berlinoise.

Bizar fragment van de Berljinse ?Fuck parade?, een antwoord OI de Love parade; rivet OI maar figure eight de deelnemende of car.

hopefully that guy will see this and realize he needs to lay off the E for a while.

right because everyone that dances to EDM has to be on E :rolleyes:
At first I was going to make some snarky comment about how you should have posted this in the "Cool Videos" thread instead of starting a new one, but after watching the video I'm just confused as to why you posted it in the first place. It's just a crowd dancing outside to some techno, and the guy in front isn't wearing a shirt. Whoop-de-doo.

Everybody follows him like he's some sort of techno he looks like a viking = technoviking! Oh, and I hate the "Cool Videos" thread because it lags like a motherf*cker.
Everybody follows him like he's some sort of techno he looks like a viking = technoviking! Oh, and I hate the "Cool Videos" thread because it lags like a motherf*cker.

Weren't they just following the truck that was playing the music? (I agree with the technoviking part, btw :p)

Oh, and you need a new PC if the cool vids thread is lagging. ;)
Bring forth his battleaxe!!!!;)