The "Ban the Person Above You" Game

banned for changing your avatar
Banned for the unbelievably long and unproductive meeting that I just got out of...
Banned for reminding a hungry person (me) of a taco....
banned for pissing and moaning about being hungry...go get a taco.
Banned for encouraging more Borat.
Banned for not having the stones to put your mug in your avatar!
Banned for having the stones to put your mug in your avatar.
banned for being gay and having a picture of a man in your avatar.

EDIT: if youre really gay, then banned for driving a subbie. driving them feels like driving a bus, ewww
Banned for having an '88 Suzuki Swift, to call it a car would have been generous in 1988; it's really more like a shopping trolley with an electric toothbrush attached.
Banned for driving the modern day Suzuki Swift :p

(yes Mr Io I realise its probably quite a nice vehicle.)
Banned since we don't get the new Swift... :cry:
Banned for being less cuddly inside than advertised.