Just saw Beowulf

The entire time I was thinking "uncanny valley." The 3D rendering is great, and everything looks good enough, but they're still nowhere near making a convincing person.

I can't fault just the movie on this, since it happens in every game and TV show that uses 3D people as well. It's just that with the movie, you are concentrating on the characters, and not on anything else, so the uncanny valley aspect comes into play even more.

If you want a better example of what I'm talking about, go watch the "burly brawl" scene from The Matrix. The fight mixes 100% CG with real-life shots, and if you have a sharp eye and a good display device (TV/HDTV/computer monitor/etc) you can pick out these scenes pretty easily. Ironically, the HD edition makes the differences even more apparent, making the standard DVD edition your best bet if you just want to enjoy the action.

If anyone wonders why I'm so in-depth on this, it's my college major (computer graphics). :happy:

As for the movie itself, :puke:.
I want something like Willow, an epic movie that's ridiculous, but doesn't seem fake.
Uncanny valley is right. Maybe that's the name of the cave Beowulf walks into in search of Grendel's mother.

Interesting you point that out, since Grendel's mother (Angelina Jolie) was one of the better models, and had the fewest instances of uncanny valley.

However, the model of Jolie was about as anatomically correct as a Barbie doll, so I wonder how she was able to make love with Beowulf.
btw. for good CGI, just take a look at any of the Blizzard games video sequences.
They didn't try to make realistic people, but somehow it's amazing.