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[01x01] September 29th, 2008


Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
00:52 - 01:58 - Custom Kings - No Lookin Back
18:55 - 19:58 - Snowman - Smoke & Mirrors
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I believe all of tonights music came from the demo mode on a Casio PT-10 keyboard.
I believe all of tonights music came from the demo mode on a Casio PT-10 keyboard.
Only post in this thread if you can actually help with identifying songs. This is not a discussion thread.
Only post in this thread if you can actually help with identifying songs. This is not a discussion thread.
He was helping (kinda). I've gotten word from others as well that the music was all generic.
If memory serves, I believe they played Snowman - Smoke & Mirrors at some stage during the episode. Unfortunately I can't check what time it was played (I'm at work currently), or whether it is the correct song at all. I also recognised another track nearer the beginning of the show, but the name and also the tune escapes me at the moment.

0:52-1:58 Custom Kings - No Lookin Back
18:55-19:58 Snowman - Smoke & Mirrors

I don't have the scene rip so the timings may be slightly off, but shouldn't be by too much.
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Ah, so there was at least some non-generic music. Excellent.