I gave it a 9, downing it for no Stig lap in the 911 (which seems to be a common complaint here). The cheap car challenge, while amusing in places, was for me let down by Rut's choice of a kit car r/t buying an actual high-end car. What, no old Cadillac Limos for sale?
What I did like:
1) The 911 film was epic (though I really didn't need to see Tanner's tongue so much; I'll let the Hot Asian Chick be the sole enjoyer of that...). Like someone above said, it felt very Fast & Furious, and was definitely not something that we've seen from TGUK before. Will the British constables not shut down a couple of city blocks for them to film?
2) I actually liked the BSSC/SIARPC of this episode. The guest was very vivacious and really seemed to enjoy it. I would have appreciated the map of the track at the bottom of the screen to show progress because I haven't yet got the track memorized. Also, they need to start applying better names to portions of the track to familiarize the viewers with where the camera view is; apart from The Teardrop, there really isn't a landmark on the track.
3) I thought the electromagnet idea was brilliant, as good as the filling-it-with-water idea, though less visually stimulating (probably why Tanner threw the can at it). But when something came off, it By God came off!
4) Adam did get some awesome lines ("because he has a small penis!" :lol: )
But back to a familiar gripe: GIVE US MORE STIG!! I really don't understand (apart from time constraints) why they don't use the Stig more. His appearance is iconic and guaranteed to sell t-shirts, coffee cups and calendars. I love the outdoor studio, but we no longer even get to see the Stig on the wall to remind us he exists. In an era when merchandising a show can potentially be much bigger business than mere advertising revenues, I just cannot understand how the producers could leave out the most merchandising-friendly aspect of the Top Gear franchise.