After this episode I doubt I'll be watching anymore. The presenters seem little more than regional stereotypes personified. You have the left coast, narcissistic metro-sexual dude, who, though boring as hell, can drive a car like nobody's business. Then there is the northeastern, somewhat-menacing-but-not-too-bright, Italio-urban type who, when allowed to talk to people, does pretty well. That leaves the backwards, southern hillbilly guy who never took Dean Wormer's advice and goes through life causing everyone around him to grimace as he, once again, blows chow - but otherwise contributes very little of anything that is of value.
When the northeastern italio-urban dude rear ends the car and sends it careening off into another car and that car into a pole only to have it bounce off and roll backwards and then stops as it moves back and forth against it's parking pall shows the scene was a multi-take shoot with someone hiding in the the last car to shift it into park. Completely scripted. Every moment, and it's lame. Tanner should shut up and drive, Adam should interview people and handle narration, and the Rut should, I don't know, maybe rebuild old VWs. The show sucked.