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[02x14] March 20th, 2012

[02x14] March 20th, 2012

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That was 'cuz he couldn't use both engines at once, not because one engine was removed/missing/non-functional (at the time). I don't understand why he didn't just turn it around and use the other engine (as done when he went down a one-way street).

yeah this would have made sense and allowed the dialogue to move towards Rutledge instead of Tanner... "in this instance having a backup engine allowed me to complete the task"

missed opportunity just like most of this series... why aren't they doing new car reviews and stuff?
"You killed a guy and only got 10 seconds." had me laughing but seriously, you'd think Tanner would've learned from Jeremy's way-too-long limo. If I was Tanner, I think I would've stuck that hose onto one of the side pipes to shut that asshole up after a couple of blocks.

Now that I think of it, this sort of reminds me of BMW's short film "Star" from several years back where Clive Owen gives Madonna a wild ride.
why aren't they doing new car reviews and stuff?

Trying to avoid the "reviews were paid for by the sponsors" complaints that would inevitably turn up I guess.
What the hell is going on? Here I've been thinking TGUK has jumped the shark tank and TGUS is getting stale and they both go ruin my misery by making me laugh my butt off this season. TGUS is taking the challenges full episode to make up for the shorter on air time and it shows off very well.

I thought this was going to be uber lame copy of the TGUK challenge. Nope I'd say they actually were better. Well they were until they started pulling the I'm lost/late gags. The stuff before was a bit iffy at times. The water canon was just a non thing. The tennis ball chuck-er set to mutilate was funny. Didn't think Rut could move that fast. He was dancing.

I think Adam won this without a doubt. I own a popemobile (ML430)so just have to declare him the winner without a doubt ;-]
After this episode I doubt I'll be watching anymore. The presenters seem little more than regional stereotypes personified. You have the left coast, narcissistic metro-sexual dude, who, though boring as hell, can drive a car like nobody's business. Then there is the northeastern, somewhat-menacing-but-not-too-bright, Italio-urban type who, when allowed to talk to people, does pretty well. That leaves the backwards, southern hillbilly guy who never took Dean Wormer's advice and goes through life causing everyone around him to grimace as he, once again, blows chow - but otherwise contributes very little of anything that is of value.
When the northeastern italio-urban dude rear ends the car and sends it careening off into another car and that car into a pole only to have it bounce off and roll backwards and then stops as it moves back and forth against it's parking pall shows the scene was a multi-take shoot with someone hiding in the the last car to shift it into park. Completely scripted. Every moment, and it's lame. Tanner should shut up and drive, Adam should interview people and handle narration, and the Rut should, I don't know, maybe rebuild old VWs. The show sucked.
Great episode! Too bad Adam killed another great car that should won the challenge. If he wasn't lost Cloris would of continued to enjoy herself. :)
It was entertaining but do they even review cars anymore or just rip off old UK challenges? The guests have been terrible and the interviewing worse...
I'm willing to wager anything that the challenges rated higher than any car reviews they've done to date. If you want reviews, stick to TG Mag, Consumer Reports, Motortrend, et al. (Edited to point to Gyvon's response to a similar question. Being on a commercial basic cable network instead of a public broadcaster or a premium cable network (HBO/Showtime/Cinemax/etc.) has its drawbacks.)

And I disagree about the interviewing and guests.
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I know these old American Cars are said to be build like tanks, but NO damage from the Mercedes crash? Holy crap! o_O

I'm pretty sure the celebrity Emmy challenge was filmed before the obstacle course challenge. The cut scenes at the airport hanger with the Lincoln showed a fair bit of damage.

Still, tis merely a flesh wound compared to the damage to the Mercedes.

Overall I gave it a 7. I would have ranked it higher, but so much of it was lifted directly from the UK version. And while I rarely complain about the SIARPC/BSSC segments, Rut's dull monotone doesn't help when narrating the complicated TGUS test track, which I still don't know the layout of, even after so many episodes.
After this episode I doubt I'll be watching anymore. The presenters seem little more than regional stereotypes personified. You have the left coast, narcissistic metro-sexual dude, who, though boring as hell, can drive a car like nobody's business. Then there is the northeastern, somewhat-menacing-but-not-too-bright, Italio-urban type who, when allowed to talk to people, does pretty well. That leaves the backwards, southern hillbilly guy who never took Dean Wormer's advice and goes through life causing everyone around him to grimace as he, once again, blows chow - but otherwise contributes very little of anything that is of value.
When the northeastern italio-urban dude rear ends the car and sends it careening off into another car and that car into a pole only to have it bounce off and roll backwards and then stops as it moves back and forth against it's parking pall shows the scene was a multi-take shoot with someone hiding in the the last car to shift it into park. Completely scripted. Every moment, and it's lame. Tanner should shut up and drive, Adam should interview people and handle narration, and the Rut should, I don't know, maybe rebuild old VWs. The show sucked.

well, aren't you a lovely waste of time...
After this episode I doubt I'll be watching anymore. The presenters seem little more than regional stereotypes personified. You have the left coast, narcissistic metro-sexual dude, who, though boring as hell, can drive a car like nobody's business. Then there is the northeastern, somewhat-menacing-but-not-too-bright, Italio-urban type who, when allowed to talk to people, does pretty well. That leaves the backwards, southern hillbilly guy who never took Dean Wormer's advice and goes through life causing everyone around him to grimace as he, once again, blows chow - but otherwise contributes very little of anything that is of value.
When the northeastern italio-urban dude rear ends the car and sends it careening off into another car and that car into a pole only to have it bounce off and roll backwards and then stops as it moves back and forth against it's parking pall shows the scene was a multi-take shoot with someone hiding in the the last car to shift it into park. Completely scripted. Every moment, and it's lame. Tanner should shut up and drive, Adam should interview people and handle narration, and the Rut should, I don't know, maybe rebuild old VWs. The show sucked.

Hello... Are you new here?...

Anyways the show was HILARIOUS. I really didn't expect it to be so funny. Ever since Rut's comment about Tanner's limo, show had me in stitches!
"Tanner's design was the exact opposite: his limo represents what every corvett owner wants: MORE LENGTH!"

Epic episode this was!
This episode made be laugh to hard that I had tears running down my face. I was actually sort of embarrassed for laughing so hard in front of my wife. I can't remember when I last cried laughing.

What did it for me was tanner doing the obstacle course. I was already on edge after Rut's run, but then seeing Tanner slalom a 35ft Corvette and tossing the mannequin into the "trunk" of the car on top of the engine while losing limbs en-route was too much. Then they topped that by doing the Martini challenge. Doomed to failure from the start but seeing incredibly dumb ideas being performed in ludicrously dumb cars while being driven by the Stig is side splittingly funny.

The BSSC segment was interesting, which usually they are not, even though I have never heard of the person.

The only thing to knock the show for was a fairly anti-climatic ending, though after the challenge this is usually the case with this show. Anyway I gave it a 9.
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Being on a commercial basic cable network instead of a public broadcaster or a premium cable network (HBO/Showtime/Cinemax/etc.) has its drawbacks.

I would love to know what this show would be like on Showtime. An hour length, some car reviews, no copping out to sponsors' wishes and stupid (but entertaining) challenges. It would be like TGUK.

But then again, everyone will start whining about it being too similar to TGUK and will knock it for it, not that I would mind. Still I think TGUS is doing well with what they have going. For a 42 minute show I am okay with the focusing on the challenges over the studio. My wish though would be for them to focus either entirely on the challenge and lose the studio entirely (it always seems badly edited in) or better connect the studio segments with the challenge segments.
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This wasn't the episode for me it was well enough done but something about the double rabbit felt wrong. I do like how the hosts are gelling but I think they need to give them a little more room to be themselves and maybe not the characters they are becoming. All three have a charm to them is the special mini features on the website, they all have a good feel about them, Adam has consistently grown on me Rut and Tanner are both providing a unique block. TGUK has always been about the hosts for me and the cars are the vehicle that they come out through, TGUS is getting this where TGAUS never did.
It was staged to look fake. That is the only explanation that makes sense.
... why aren't they doing new car reviews and stuff?
Myself, I'll read Car & Driver, Motortrend, etc. if I want car reviews. I watch TGUS for the entertainment, and so far, I am being entertained. Although I have never had any complaints about the hosts, it seems they are gelling better each week. TGUS is one of the few TV shows I look forward to watching each week.
5. I wish they'd expanded on the challenge and did something unique. TG Australia did it right with the armored car episode. This was just a blatant rip-off of the UK one with scripted hijinks.