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[02x15] March 27th, 2012

[02x15] March 27th, 2012

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Chicken Nugget Connoisseur
Sep 21, 2003
Portland, Oregon
2008 Dodge Viper, 2006 MB CLS55 AMG
Please stay on-topic. :)
the last segment felt a bit like filler, but i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy it.

Not as lulz inducing as last week's episode, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Now, if you don't mind, I'll be making popcorn. Cant wait to see Ice's reaction.
The guy with the Army Beetle final stop was less than a block away from the Hyde Bar which, if you look upward to the right, is right there. He just drove around the area and went back there. Was pretty cool to see them drive around San Francisco, it's pretty awesome to recognize nearly every place they drove.
Cant wait to see Ice's reaction.

He wrecks a truck, drives a Civic around San Fran, interviews a lameass guest and then I got bored, turned it off and replied to this thread.

They shouldn't have dedicated an entire show to Rutledge. It was like watching all of Clarkson's DVD specials only edited by a 4 year old. Maybe it could've passed muster if Rutledge went solo instead of having the co-hosts stick around and provide running commentary and support, but then again, it'll be Rutledge boring people trying to break down and explain his forced unfunny jokes and missives.

And the driver-service segment......would've been better if all the hosts participated. And Wood had been in an accident that maimed him. Blah blah Top Gear UK rip-off, etc.......

The interview segment was just horrible once again. I think they need to fire a host (Wood) and get one that has some interview skills. As it stands, it's nothing more than a podunk forum that offers little to no ommf and power. Expand the interview segment abit beyond cars on a guest by guest basis, as it is very limiting. Seeing that it's filmed months in advance also limits their ability to be topical with guests in relation to Movie & TV projects.

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He wrecks a truck, drives a Civic around San Fran, interviews a lameass guest and then I got bored, turned it off and replied to this thread.

They shouldn't have dedicated an entire show to Rutledge. It was like watching all of Clarkson's DVD specials only edited by a 4 year old. Maybe it could've passed muster if Rutledge went solo instead of having the co-hosts stick around and provide running commentary and support, but then again, it'll be Rutledge boring people trying to break down and explain his forced unfunny jokes and missives.

And the Civic segment......would've been better if all the hosts participated. And Wood had been in an accident that maimed him.


You sound stressed. Have you ever tried acupuncture? Hypnotheraphy, perhaps?
The great thing about this episode was that all of the challenges were unique and different.

I really wish the electric car segment would have been extended to show the build/conversion. It seemed worthless and rushed the way it stood. All of...four minutes?

I did crack up when it showed the Stig ominously standing across the way like he was some evil villain.
That wreck looked painful.

I liked the first two segments. The San Fran drunk service was pretty funny. That actually seems like it could be a fun job if you never took it seriously.

The interview was rough and the charging while in motion just didn't work. Liked that they finally brought out some classic Stig personality, something that is severely lacking in the US version.

Overall I liked Tanner's ep better.

The great thing about this episode was that all of the challenges were unique and different.


I really wish the electric car segment would have been extended to show the build/conversion. It seemed worthless and rushed the way it stood. All of...four minutes?

Yeah, that was one downside. I think if you're going to dedicate an entire episode to challenges selected by one person, you really shouldn't have a guest. If they do something similar for Adam in the future, I hope they keep that in mind. :)
Overall this was a good episode. Not as hilarious as last week's, but still very enjoyable.

I swear I've seen that guy with the Beetle before o_O

The Truck Race was great, from then on it just got worse...
San Francisco was okay, but somehow felt too long - maybe would have been better with more different customers.
Interview wasn't that bad, but just didn't fit.
Football-charger-thing was just sensless, but not in a funny way...

Overall I gave it a 6/10
I'm in with a 6 as well.

Tanner's presence felt like he had better things to do than be on the show and it seemed to me as though Adam was just there so the producers could justify his paycheck. "Okay Rutledge, you can go out and play but take your little brother with you."

Maybe they're saving their better ideas for after the break.
A weak 7 at best compared to the last few episodes. Truck race was interesting as was San Fran. Electric car and BSSC, pretty lame.

I've been fairly generous in past but this one didn't work for me. It started off strong enough with the truck segment but from there it just didn't hold together. Half an episode equals half a mark in my books. I actually like Wood he reminds me of so many buddies over the years it is like watching an old friend on TV but he can't hold a show together on his own. This was more like they took all the segments where Tanner wasn't available and stuffed them together or that they decided to drop reviews and they were all filmed with Tanner.
7/10. Not as good as some of the last few, but watchable.
5/10 I've been fairly generous in past but this one didn't work for me. It started off strong enough with the truck segment but from there it just didn't hold together.
Same sentiments here. Gave it 6/10 - probably 1 point too many, but since this series was developing nicely, it seemed unfair to be too critical of this one episode. As a TGUK fan, I've been very aware my TG tastes have been dulled by some excellent ep's from the UK (and lousy ones from Oz!), so I'm inclined to add a point or two to a TGUS score - even if it's a reprise of the UK ep. Different hosts/locations brings a different slant to a sometimes old tale, and the guys were working nicely together even giving me a few giggles :lol: lately, but this ep just didn't get there for me.