Pretty mediocre episode. And there's no way in hell that Tanner's Honda drove all day without an alternator belt, especially with an electric radiator fan. I also rather doubt the Jeep and Benz drove all day without their water pumps turning, as I'm lucky to make it across town if that happens. But Rut's car did finally overheat. So what does he do? Without giving it any time to cool down, he pops the radiator cap! Yeah, I buy that. Suddenly it's good for the rest of the day, without even adding any water. And when Tanner's Honda lost a wheel, seems rather convenient that a GoPro camera was pointed exactly at it, facing downward.
Overall, I call bullshit on a fucking mail Jeep being the most reliable vehicle. if it were well maintained, the Benz would definitely win, but I think the Honda is the winner overall.