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[06x08] July 17th, 2005

The webisode of the F430 review was split into two halves for youtube, and the second half has a song that it is unlisted that I want but can't name for the life of me. HELP! Put the following link into the youtube search bar, and you'll see what I'm on about. The song I want is starts at 1:27, and ends at roughly 2:30.


Thanks to all that know and spread the know....

My wife got this one?- She thinks its Tonic- "Open up your eyes" The guitar riff sounds very much like Tonic, but slightly slower...
Once again, I would like to ask what the song from Jeremy's iPod is during the Citroen C2 part. A post on page 3 says it's Mercury Rev's The Funny Bird, but that's song is for the TT part. I still haven't found the track for the C2 bit. It's not on the starting thread either.