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[08x03] May 21th, 2006

Man, the Exige segment borders on automotive porn. The Exige looks fantastic in white. I kind of hoped it that it would come in higher on the laptime board.

I hope they don't make the water dripping on the feature car a regular thing though.

The boat segment is awesome as well, but they really should've set a budget. Jeremy's 15,000 GBP engine is just wrong (but it does fit Clarkson's persona). I like how the producers seem more willing to give the boys cameras this season. Gives an interesting new perspective.

Question: Do you guys think they meant to have the Hilux engine die at the end? For once, I thought I detected a non-scripted moment.
At first I thought it was going to be a really dull episode. But that was the funniest competition ever! Safety must have been really tight during that whole segment and you could see all the people watching attentively in the background.

Not enough car-related segments but I'm pretty sure that Top Gear will listen to its viewers if enough of us complain about that. We need more cars on the show!

Clarkson on the Honda boat engine: "600 pounds... and that's the same as a whole American sitting on the tailgate." :lol:
good day gents,

I enjoyed this episode, the series seems great thus far, lots of funny moments, and lots of stuff I didnt expect to see.
needless to say, I enjoy watching every minute.
however, I must say, there is one and only one thing I do not like, the slow motion bits, I dont know why, but for some reason I find that boring and I dont think its needed, it seems to take away from the high speed action that topgear is most of the time.
just my 2cents, the slow mo bits are not gonna stop me from watching and enjoying the episodes.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

PS: at 7:05 when they heeve the water at james from the boat was one of my favorite moments, "you utter pirate" lol

Great episode ! :D
Kebab gud said:
3: sounded like the Hilux had a problem with the fuel..

I thought the engine was ruined because of the water. Hydrolock.

The show was alright but the star in the reasonably priced car was crap. :thumbsdown:
Very funny episode. Celebrity in reasonable priced car was boring. I have never laughed so hard watching Top Gear until tonight when Clarkson and Hammond flipped over the Toybota at the finish. I had to play that scene 5 times. Then at the end Clarkson couldn't get the Toybota engine to start guess he has that effect on alot of cars. Like his supercar Ford GT that always breaks down lol.
ycchan said:
Kebab gud said:
3: sounded like the Hilux had a problem with the fuel..

I thought the engine was ruined because of the water. Hydrolock.

The show was alright but the star in the reasonably priced car was crap. :thumbsdown:
Well, you can't ruin those engines due to water. Just gotta drain them. I mean hell, the red one went out with the tide and it still ran fine after a little work. :lol:
Buck-O said:
Funny episode.

But for whatever reason it seemed really short.

time flies when youre having fun? ;)
alexisthemovie said:
great episode as always and i should also mention that my link is live for those who wna it

Tnx alot :thumbsup:
I was laughing like an idiot at this too... Clarkson trying to put out his fire was great although slightly less panicked than the time a spark from our welder lit the end of the vent hose from the petrol tank... :roll:

And James with his Pirate comment... class. You can always rely on him to produce a comment out of the blue like his "Massey Ferguson" description of the A4 cabrio's engine...

Great ep, although I too didn't know who the star in a car was... but hey ho
So it seems we're all in agreement that this ep was hysterical, and it really was. I'm not too upset there was only one review, because it was a pretty good one.

This episode felt like a fun night out with your best mates. It's a nice jab in the ribs to all the people complaining the show sounds "too scripted".

/gaytimes... hehe :lol: .
ChaoZ said:
Man, the Exige segment borders on automotive porn. The Exige looks fantastic in white. I kind of hoped it that it would come in higher on the laptime board.
Oh yes! I saw that car and my jaw dropped and then I was in awe when I found out the specs. Those Brit's designing these cars may be farmers, but they sure as hell know how to go ballistic on a car.

Lighter, supercharged, and balanced!
Unlike any other car maker Lotus does not ask what the customer might want , they ask what the customer might do without.
Jon said:
Tonights episode was superb! :lol:

Soooo damn funny, i've gotta get my hands on some of the quotes off tonights episode. I wept tears when the boat Toyboata tipped over :lol: oh my...

I know again there wasn't much in the way of car reviews, but it really doesn't matter it was BRILLIANT.

it was even better because the camera man can heard in uncontrollable hysterics when it goes over....gives it that kinda home video, guys being jackass' quality. it was great.
Great ep, but i'm getting sick of the slow motion water scenes they are doing nowadays. They did it last week with the XK, Merc and BMW, and it's great once, but it's just shit to reuse such tricks. It looks great, but gets boring. It is kind of the same as an amateur video edited by a 50 year old, you always have the same cheesy transitions.
psychoticsniper said:
I dont understand the comparo between the mustang GT and the exige S when the lotus literally cause double what the GT cost and then some.

not in this country it doesnt. the stang is more expensive here
Hate to say this but TG is becoming worse ...The Filmed segments are still great, the Car -> Boat was hillarius & Exige review was good, but kinda pointless. Studio bits are still horrid, news blocks were my favorite during series 1-7, but now it's just load of crap...