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[08x08] July 30th, 2006

does anybody know where to get that cool "the bill" soundtrack? (in mp3, of course) sounds very cool :dance: and i cant find it anywhere on the interweb :cry: :wall:
27:12 - 27:50 Jaga Jazzist - All I Know Is Tonight
I'm 100% sure that is this song. ;)
I'm almost certain that 26:45 - 27:12 in the Noble review is from the Romeo+Juliet OST, Volume 2. Maybe the Slow Movement...
I'm looking for all the music featured in the Audi RS4 road test, where Clarkson was racing against a speed rock climber, can anyone help me? Post a comment or email me if you know the answer, thanks.
25:18 - 25:46 - Someone may have already said this, but this sounds like a remix of 'Breathe' by The Prodigy without lyrics and without the samurai sword effect sample.
48:03 - 48:34 - This is by Marco Beltrami and is from Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines. I think the track is 'Kicked In The Can'. If it's not that track though, it's definately that score.
25:18 - 25:46 - Someone may have already said this, but this sounds like a remix of 'Breathe' by The Prodigy without lyrics and without the samurai sword effect sample.
48:03 - 48:34 - This is by Marco Beltrami and is from Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines. I think the track is 'Kicked In The Can'. If it's not that track though, it's definately that score.
Didn't know the Terminator 3 one... thanks again & keep 'em coming!

As for the others, I've been meaning to add them in...here is what I know:
25:18 - 25:46 is actually by John Murphy from an agency promo... and hasn't been released commercially.
26:45 - 27:12 is a Non-Stop production cue.

25:18 - 25:46 - John Murphy - Drunk
26:45 - 27:12 - Todd Sorensen - Evolutionary


it's called.. Marco Beltrami - Magnetic Personality
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This probably doesn't count, as it isn't background music, but...

08:06 - 08:09 : a "cover" of a riff from The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again by James May's voice. :lol:
On netflix there is a song that replaced Muse at 27:50 - 28:27 of the Noble M15 review. Anyone know what it is?
6:01 - 6:13, when Jeremy and Richard are explaining to James what to do, the band is playing "Love, Reign O'er Me". I can hear Roger singing the bridge over them. Don't know why they chose that song to talk, "You Better You Bet" would be more understandable.
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I just would like to correct an information.

The theme tune of The Bill, at 53:13, is not played by Andy Pask and Charlie Morgan, as usual. Its played by Mark Ayres, and the track is present on the CD 100 Greatests TV Themes, as you can see at this link - http://www.amazon.co.uk/100-Greatest-Themes-Various-Artists/dp/B00005Y49F

If you wanna download the song, i've posted on Media Fire: http://www.mediafire.com/?q9buywlc7s94gle

I was lucky to find it, 'cause I was looking for compilations of TV themes. Hope you enjoy.

Regards from Brazil :)